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Fastest time to climb or descend One Million Stairs: James C. Wigginton sets world record

July 31, 2020
Fastest time to climb or descend One Million Stairs: James C. Wigginton sets world record
Belleville, Michigan, United States Of America--The Fastest time to climb or descend 1 Million stairs world record is 135 days and was achieved by Jim C. Wigginton (USA) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, on July 26, 2020, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY; the world record was set for the Punya Thyroid Cancer Endowment Fund.

"This was done to raise awareness and funding for Cancer, and specifically Thyroid Cancer, as well as for crippled veterans and others who cannot climb stairs, and as an inspiration for others,"says Jim Wigginton.

The final day of the world record attempt was witnessed by: Dr. Megan Haymart, Dr. Francis Worden, Ms. Chanel Stitt - a journalist with the Detroit Free Press and Mr. Eric Barritt (for the Michigan Medicine Journal), Smith Putti, Mrs. Shephard Nancy and Bush Geoffry.

Jim also performed an anti doping test and a polygraph test, as requested by the World Record Academy.

James C. Wigginton, also known as Jim, Ph.D. serves as the Managing Partner at True North Equity, LLC.

Mr. Jim Wigginton has pledged to donate a $6 million endowment to support the Punya Thyroid Cancer Endowed Fund and establish the Nancy Wigginton Professorships of Thyroid Cancer.

Mr. Jim Wigginton is dedicated to raising funds in her name to support thyroid cancer at the University of Michigan.

Mr. Wigginton had previously established the Punya Thyroid Cancer Endowed Fund for the benefit of thyroid cancer clinical research at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center in August 2013 with a gift of $1 million. Since then, he has pledged to donate another $5 million to establish two endowed professorships in memory of Nancy Wigginton.  The combined $6 million is the largest gift to thyroid cancer research at the University of Michigan.

Article by:
Ramona Nita, Sport Editor / World Record Academy,
Licensed Athletic Coach, Professional Sport Journalist
(International Sport Press Association, SPJ, NPC, FIJ)

The GUINNESS WORLD RECORD for the most stair steps climbed by bicycle in one minute is 119 steps, achieved by Krystian Herba (Poland), in Brussels, Belgium, on 22 May 2016.

GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS also recognized the world record for the most consecutive stairs climbed on the head; it is 36 and was achieved by Li Longlong (China) on the set of CCTV - Guinness World Records Special in Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China on 5 January 2015.

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