Testimonials - Business

Testimonials - Business

Longest playable stringed musical instrument: CapitaLand Ltd. Singapore

After the measurement of the 16th string was formally announced to VIP’s, media and approx. 4000 guests at our event, we presented the temporary WRA certificate you so kindly prepared for all to see. It was presented to the CEO of CapitaLand via a qualified lawyer (wearing the WRA ceremonial pin). The WRA Pins were also ceremoniously presented to CapitaLand CEO, William Close of Earth Harp and Ian Terry, MD of The Event Company. This was followed by a media photo opportunity. All steps in our World Record setting process were also fully documented with free run time coded video and time and date coded photography ( which we will be submitting to you).

The World Record Academy world record setting feat was highlighted prominently throughout our event from collaterals, web, apps, branding on stage, signage, press release, holding slides on main stage and also a short film played frequently throughout our event etc. There was no mention of or branding for Guinness World Records at the event – just
World Record Academy.

We are so excited about setting this most exciting World Record Academy for the “
Longest Playable Stringed Musical Instrument” and feel truly honored to have made the record setting attempt last Saturday 25 October 2014, here in Singapore.

Warmest regards from The Event Company,
Lesley Renton
Head of Creative Services
The Event Company

Longest playable stringed musical instrument: CapitaLand Ltd. Singapore

Thank you for your fast action on this, i still can not believe that we reached this stage :)

Thank you for giving us the chance, I know we passed a lot of deadlines and you trusted me and i really appreciate it.

I refused to work with Guinness (i can show you the communications as a proof) because they set an illogical rule for me. Guinness World Records are asking us to register our attempt under the "largest football mosaic" which we can easily break with what we are suggesting. But, they are asking us to make the shape a rectangle shape, have the ribbon inside in pink balls and the spaces in between to be filled with white balls, which we believe it will dilute the message and the effect of the ribbon. Thus, we did not agree to their condition.

Our ribbon is first of its kind in the world. Guinness World Records asked for 10000$ for the basic package in addition to the travel expenses of their judge. and I said NO to them, and people here did not believe that I said NO to Guinness , but I did , cause I am Not convinced as I want the balls not only to make a world record but to travel all over Lebanon so people start asking what is about this dark pink ball.

Rasha Hamra Ambriss, PharmD, MPH, Dr. Health Candidate (Bath University-UK)
 Director of Public Relations &
 Health Education Departments
 Clinical Trials Regulations Focal Point
 Ministry of Public Health

Largest Awareness Ribbon Made of Footballs: world record set in Lebanon

"The President of The Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA) wishes to place on record our deepest appreciation and gratitude to you and the Team at WRA for your excellent guidance, approval and certification of our maiden World Record Event "Highest number of free orthopaedic surgeries, India, 3-5 August 2016".
   I am very glad to inform you that I received the Certificate yesterday, late due to severe storm here at Chennai, otherwise the parcel had landed at Chennai 3 days back!
   I must say it is one the most elegant and impressive certificate and means a lot to us. Thank you once again!
   Sir, IOA is greatly indebted to you and WRA in general and has now become a household name for WRA. So much so now the biggest State in India, Uttar Pradesh is contemplating a new medical world record of sorts through WRA and have appointed me as the Nodal person. I shall soon submit the new registration!"
    Dr. C Raja Ravi Varma / The Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA)   
  [Most Free Orthopedic Surgeries]

   {Why did you choose WRA?}
   Because WRA is the largest database of world records, they allowed us to register our attempt as first record of its kind after verification.
Thank you again for all the guidance you provided us with and your patient with us was amazing.
Warm Regards
Dr Rasha Saadi Hamra
Head of Health Education and Public Relations at Ministry of Health
[Largest Awareness Ribbon Made of Footballs]

(Have you registered this record attempt with Guinness, too?)
Yes. Guinness World Records are asking us to register our attempt under the "largest football mosaic" which we can easily break with what we are suggesting. But, they are asking us to make the shape a rectangle shape, have the ribbon inside in pink balls and the spaces in between to be filled with white balls, which we believe it will dilute the message and the effect of the ribbon. Thus, we did not agree to their condition.
Rasha Hamra Ambriss
Director of Public Relations &
Health Education Departments
Clinical Trials Regulations Focal Point
Ministry of Public Health
[Largest Awareness Ribbon Made of Footballs]

"I'm writing to thank you for your job and our effective cooperation. We've received the reprinted certificates in time and we were ready for all events that had been planned (photos from the events are attached).
   I wish you good luck and further success in your work!"
   Sincerely, Olga Mamonova /  [Largest mobile skating rink: Moscow]

 Most approachable, genuine and unbiased!
Director Principal Chef Sudhakar N.Rao
Culinary Academy of India
[Tallest cup cake Christmas tree]

I apologize, had I known about your company I would have came to you guys first. It was actually a member of that forum that tipped me off to you guys. I certainly wish I had known beforehand.
   Guinness really has been absolutely nothing but a nightmare. This is going to become a yearly event for us, so we'll continue to use you instead of them in the future. I don't have enough bad things to say about dealing with Guinness. You guys are a dream compared to Guinness.
    We're looking to repeat this process in late July or early August with Chevy Camaros. When we start planning that one, we'll specifically go through you guys and not Guinness, and I'll be sure to purchase our merchandising through you guys as well (it'll save us a ton of hassle). We'll contact you much earlier in the process of planning that one.
    I'm thouroughly impressed with what you guys have to offer though. I apologize for not finding you sooner!
    Take care,
    Kurt Wojda / Internet Marketing Manager Heinrich Chevrolet
   [Largest Chevy Truck Parade: Heinrich Chevrolet]
  ...After the measurement of the 16th string was formally announced to VIP’s, media and approx. 4000 guests at our event, we presented the temporary WRA certificate you so kindly prepared for all to see.  It was presented to the CEO of CapitaLand via a qualified lawyer (wearing the WRA ceremonial pin).  The WRA Pins were also ceremoniously presented to CapitaLand CEO, William Close of Earth Harp and Ian Terry,  MD of The Event Company.  This was followed by a media photo opportunity.  All steps in our World Record setting process were also fully documented with free run time coded video and time and date coded photography ( which we will be submitting to you).
The World Record Academy world record setting feat was highlighted prominently throughout our event from collateral, web, apps, branding on stage, signage, press release, holding slides on main stage and also a short film  played  frequently throughout our event etc.  There was no mention of or branding for  Guinness World Records at the event – just World Record Academy.
  We are so excited about setting this most exciting World Record Academy for the “Longest Playable Stringed Musical Instrument” and feel truly honored to have made the record setting attempt last Saturday 25 October 2014, here in Singapore.
  Warmest regards from The Event Company,

  Lesley Renton
  Head of Creative Services
  The Event Company
  [Longest playable stringed musical instrument]

I am appreciating your quick answers. We are interested in registering our record attemot at WRA.
   I appreciate your simpler way to manage this issue, compared to GWR. We are not sure whether to continue with GWR or not, depending on some requirements that seem difficult to comply and outside the scope of the proposed record.
    (Update: we had a lot of troubles while trying to process our record with the Guinness World Record. They behave in an unacceptable way, we are troubled by them.)
   Regards, Giorgio Turconi / AB Caronno Softball Rheavendors Club
  [Longest softball fastpitch game record attempt]

   ...We tried to register this record attempt with Guinness but it is rejected because:
* they cannot accept counting from photos as an acceptable count (even if we included the video)
* they requested a statement of each of the stewards (which was not mentioned in their guidelines).
We tried to contact them to forward all the statements but they did not answer anymore.
   Evelien Van Dorsselaer
  d-side group
  [Most people making heart-shaped hand gestures]

Thank you so much for this recognition. We will be sending you the needed material and DEFINITELY will order the World Record Certificate. It was very nice of your organization to award the efforts of our entire community and Glen Oaks Community College. I enjoyed the article your organization has posted and we have linked your site to our home page. Thank you again for this recognition!
   Lester Dr. Lester A. Keith
   Doctor of Business Administration
   Professor of Business Administration Glen Oaks Community College
  [Largest Meatball: Glen Oaks Community College]

   {Have you registered this record claim with Guinness, too?}
  No, based on our discussions with others in the industry, we were advised not to go with GWR.
  We came to know about World Records Academy though a World Record Holder.
  Mr. Nikhil Lobo

  Altran Technologies India 
 [Most Company Quality Certifications in 11 Months]

   ...very glad to inform you that I received the Certificate yesterday, late due to severe storm here at Chennai, otherwise the parcel had landed at Chennai 3 days back! I must say it is one the most elegant and impressive certificate and means a lot to us. Thankyou once again!
   IOA is greatly indebted to you and WRA in general and has now become a household name for WRA. So much so now the biggest State in India, Uttar Pradesh is contemplating a new medical world record of sorts through WRA and have appointed me as the Nodal person. I shall soon submit the new registration and hope to have you again as our Nodal contact in WRA.
  Extremely happy, grateful and indebted to all your guidance and kindness.
  Dr. C Raja Ravi Varma
  The Indian Orthopaedic Association (IOA)
  [Highest number of free orthopedic surgeries]

  Thanks so much for all your help - I'm just thrilled over here. 
 I thought the write-up on the WRA website was amazing.
 Jax Frey / Art by Jax
[Most Original Acrylic Paintings on Canvas]

  It is very satisfying to see that our hard work has been recognized. I have cascaded this link to all players and referee's. Obviously they are very happy. Can I ask how we can claim our certificates please? I think we will need a few.
   Kind regards,
   John Morgan /  Surrey County Council
   [Longest 5-a-side football game: Surrey County Council]

We have over the last month formed a United Kingdom wide (England, Scotland and Wales) collective of Majorette Troupes and Baton Twirling Teams with the blessings of various organizations to form part of a proposed 2,050 strong army of Twirlers to break the Guinness World Record held by Japan for most people twirling a baton which stands at 2,002.
We were doing it as a sort of 'do it yourself' scheme by Guinness, but the size of the growth of the event and the fact that we are all either Troupe/Team Leaders or Trainers suddenly made us feel that some practicable help from Guinness might be called for.
They wanted over £6,000 + taxes plus fee for adjudicator ($8,048) This is the discounted fee for a Charity!!!!!
We also found out if we didn't pay fee we would have to wait 12 weeks for result!
These are in the main Kids using their skills to help other Kids that need support in various ways. The Charity is 'Children in Need'
...Those fees would have stopped things dead in their tracks as no Troupe or Team could afford equal share of that amount plus probably more than they would raise for the Charity.
I do appreciate your reply and comments and apologies for trying every means possible, the recent contact from Guinness World Records was soul destroying and felt like a threat to the final stage of the journey that hundreds and hundreds of Majorettes/Baton Twirling kids were looking forward to taking. I myself am a Majorette Troupe Trainer representing the Troupes and Teams within the collective. we will look forward to working with you and most important a huge Thank You for rescuing the dreams and aspirations of so many.
Best Wishes,
Marianne / Twirl For Terry & Port Bredy Allstar Majorettes
[Most people twirling a baton]

  we recently tried to set 4 Guinness World Records, we got paperwork, approvals etc.
  Everything was done according to the rules, but it is very difficult to work with them if you do not pay for extra services, it also takes forever to get some answer unless you pay for fast track service, so we decided to submit our record to alternative websites.
We set 4 records:
The Largest Reading Lesson
The Largest Human Word
The Largest Human Letter
The Most People Performing Lunges
I have all pictures, videos, witness statements, volunteer statements etc
We had so many people involved, Mayor Of San Diego for example, governors etc.
So we can provide all info for you high quality pictures, videos etc.
How do we submit the records, it is very important for us to get recognition, but Guinness World Record come up with some excuses and ask for additional info every time, it takes 2-3 month to get the answer from them, so we decided not to deal with them anymore.
Here are some examples of videos, but I can provide better videos and pictures later as well as all info: [...]
Please let me know how do I submit the records.
Thank you.
Yuri Seretskiy
The Symbol Of Success
 [Largest Reading Lesson, Largest Human Word, Largest Human Letter, Most People Performing Lunges]

Thank you very much for speedy upload of our record on your website!
   with regards,
   Paresh Mathur
   Dy. General Manager - Stone India Limited
High reach pantograph: Stone India]

   My name is Roy Finlay fonder member of O.R.C.A (the Ocean Rowing Club of the Atlantic).
   I have a very real need to talk with someone from your organization and on behalf of our members, in preference to Guinness and their so called "adjudicators" and our up and coming Transatlantic world record rowing expedition from Senegal Africa to Brazil.
For years the way in which Guinness have conducted themselves within our sport has in some cases destroyed the true competitive element of our sport, aided by a society (of two people) who DO NOT adjudicate as they suggest.
As President of O.R.C.A my aim is to revert to a more honest and transparent means of assisting others in achieving properly adjudicated world records.
My contact with yourselves is not as a result of recent events, its been going on for years.
I went to the extent of flying to Guinness offices in London...the result was total indifference, I was told  "they rely on their adjudicators" they have one! who absolutely does not adjudicate, changes the rules as they see fit, penalizes individuals retrospectively ...the list goes on ..we need a change and Im happy to lead if you'll work with us.Guinness are allowing an adjudicating body to run riot awarding world records that mean absolutely nothing.
I can explain in more interesting detail if you wish.
Regards, Roy
[Fonder member of the Ocean Rowing Club of the Atlantic]

  ...We registered this record claim with Guinness too. We have no positive result to this day.
We have poured our heart and soul into the preparations for months and our entire state, tourists from across Germany and all of the media based here have played a part in achieving this great total number of individual pinwheels. So we decided to ask WRA to check our world record request, in the hope with a positive result.
Inken Zimmermann
Friends Gesellschaft für Events,
Marketing & Kommunikation mbH
 (on behalf of energis GmbH)
[Largest display of toy windmills/pinnwheels]

We received the package with our world record certificate and it looks great, thank you!
   Mahadevan Pavithran / CEO Travancore Cocotuft Ltd India
   [Longest doormat: Travancore Cocotuft Ltd]

  We choose WRA because looking at the WRA website I noticed that it suited our needs and had professional records.
  Andrea Perotti / Ated4Kids
 [Most drones piloted at the same time by children]

 Thank you for your help in answering our questions & concerns.   
 Sincerely, Deonda Smith
 [Fastest street legal car: G-Force]

Thank you for recognizing our product as a world record!
   Hope you like the post on my Blog:
   "It is truly an honor to receive the accolades of the World Record Academy, seekers of the most accomplished, most outlandish, and in our case most durable in the entire world. "
   Bob Plaschke (CEO and President of Sonim Technologies)
   [Most durable phone]

   I received today our company's world record certificate, thank you a lot!
   Best regards
   Cristina Tiberio ( CEO Fireworks do Brasil)
   [Biggest fireworks show on the barge]

The framed World Record Certificates (2) and the 7 copies were received on Monday, April 28. They look great!! You did a good job and we sincerely do appreciate all you and your organization/staff have done for us folks in Marion, Michigan!
   Thank You!
   George Johnson /  Coordinator-Marion Old Fashioned Days
   Marion Chamber of Commerce, Marion, Michigan
   [Most tractors in a parade]

Thank you for sending us the world record Certificate! Sorry for confirming you so late, we were busy preparing the ceremony which was attended by a lot of journalists and TV crews.
   Maria Bitang /Presidential Advisor,  "Champion's House" President
   [Most Successful Coach]

Once again, Thanks! ...for all your consideration and effort. It is very nice to know that still in this world there is people that without knowing you, really cares about other people feelings. Thank you very much for adding the video to your webpage. I liked it very much, as well as the information and your effort to give the right information. I will take into consideration your suggestions.I really appreciate your help. It is a treasure for us!!
   As an overview, I can tell you that more than 400 Media considered to San Alfonso in their daily information.Thank you very much for your hard work, we really appreciate it. Thanks a lot again.
   Francisca Montaño /  Journalist,  Quórum Comunicaciones
   [Largest swimming pool]

We are all very pleased with your response to recognize our event as a World Record.
   Thanks again from all of us folks in Marion, Michigan. We are a small farming community located in Osceola County in Mid-Michigan.
    For small town USA thats a big boost for all of us and on behalf of all Marion Citizens and all tractor parade participants, we send our sincere THANKS to you and World Record Academy Staff. Anything we can do to help promote your organization in this area of the country, please let us know.
    George Johnson
    Marion Chamber of Commerce
    [Most tractors in a parade ]

 Many thanks for this VERY important recognition! (Business Book of the Year)
   Best Regards,
   Ricardo Bellino
   [Fastest deal: Donald Trump and Ricardo Bellino]

Hooray! That’s great news! I can’t wait to tell the couples!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
     Giselle Argentin /  ga-associates.com
     [Longest kiss while standing in the window]

 First off I would like to thank you for your congratulatory message that you have sent me, I really appreciate it, and I would also like to thank you for choosing to include my world record in your book.
   Best regards,
   Master Kevin Taylor / President & Founder of the W.S.B.B.A.
   [Fastest Bricks Breaker: Kevin Taylor]
 Unfortunately, Guinness politely declined to recognize this achievement and said it was too specific to create a record for. We discussed the importance of recognizing cutting-edge surgical excellence in the field of cancer surgery with The World Record Academy, and they agreed to recognize the category after extensively researching the accomplishment.
We are very happy with the results thus far and will definitely work with you again. Thanks!
   Dr. Greg Marchand
   [Laparoscopic Ovarian Cancer Staging Surgery on the Largest Tumor]

 Thanks for your advice on the press release. I can say I was pleased and excited that you all responded the same day I sent in a request, and even today as I've sent a few emails to further inquire. I've waited weeks to hear anything from GWR.
   Thanks, John
   [Longest Soccer Marathon Attempt]

   Thank you once again for your efficiency and professionalism. We didn't even get to try it with GWR due to their stringent and ridiculous requirements. You could swear we're trying to rip them off, yet we paid them!!
    I also assure you that we will highly recommend you over Guinness for any World Record attempt. Our record is to be our first record which has already cost us a fair amount, especially after the Guinness issue. I've already burnt my fingers with them...
   Thank you for your assistance,
  [Greatest distance on a scooter in 24 hours] - Wicked Ink Media

 Thank you for your quick response!
   It has been so nice working with you!
   When this is done let me know if I can help with anything.
   Greg Cochran (The Fitness Forum)
[Most Tire Flips in 1 Hour using 690 lb tire Attempt]

   Thanks for your quick and clear answer.
   With kind regards,
   Welmoed van der Goot Project Manager
   [Bike Bell Ringing Attempt]

   We are again very excited about the possibility of the record. We have actually already scheduled an event in Washington DC.
   We've had a very bad experience applying with Guinness World Records, where we were asked to apply for the "Fast Track" process and had to pay about $600 and months of time wasted.
    This record, unlike any individual feat, means a lot for the Tibetan People at this crucial stage of history and we hope you will take a bit more attention to it that the usuals.
    We do not have a lot of money, the Guinness people ripped us, they kept us in dark all the time until they got the money. We believe you are much better than them.
   Best wishes
   Jamyang Dorjee Chakrishar / Regional Program Coordinator for the Conservancy for Tibetan Arts and Culture (CTAC) - Nepal
   [Longest Calligraphy Scroll]

    I apologize, had I known about your company I would have came to you guys first. It was actually a member of that forum that tipped me off to you guys. I certainly wish I had known beforehand.
   Guinness really has been absolutely nothing but a nightmare. This is going to become a yearly event for us, so we'll continue to use you instead of them in the future. I don't have enough bad things to say about dealing with Guinness. You guys are a dream compared to Guinness.
    We're looking to repeat this process in late July or early August with Chevy Camaros. When we start planning that one, we'll specifically go through you guys and not Guinness, and I'll be sure to purchase our merchandising through you guys as well (it'll save us a ton of hassle). We'll contact you much earlier in the process of planning that one.
    I'm thouroughly impressed with what you guys have to offer though. I apologize for not finding you sooner!
    Take care,
    Kurt Wojda / Internet Marketing Manager Heinrich Chevrolet
   [Largest Chevy Truck Parade - Heinrich Chevrolet ]

   I am appreciating your quick answers. We are interested in registering our record attemot at WRA.
   I appreciate your simpler way to manage this issue, compared to GWR. We are not sure whether to continue with GWR or not, depending on some requirements that seem difficult to comply and outside the scope of the proposed record.
    (Update: we had a lot of troubles while trying to process our record with the Guinness World Record. They behave in an unacceptable way, we are troubled by them.)
   Regards, Giorgio Turconi
  [Longest softball fastpitch game record attempt]

   Thank you so much for this recognition. We will be sending you the needed material and DEFINITELY will order the World Record Certificate. It was very nice of your organization to award the efforts of our entire community and Glen Oaks Community College. I enjoyed the article your organization has posted and we have linked your site to our home page. Thank you again for this recognition!
   Lester Dr. Lester A. Keith
   Doctor of Business Administration
   Professor of Business Administration Glen Oaks Community College
  [Largest Meatball - Glen Oaks Community College]

 We received the package with our world record certificate and it looks great, thank you!
   Mahadevan Pavithran / CEO
   Travancore Cocotuft Ltd India
   [Longest doormat - Travancore Cocotuft Ltd]

   It is very satisfying to see that our hard work has been recognized. I have cascaded this link to all players and referee's. Obviously they are very happy. Can I ask how we can claim our certificates please? I think we will need a few.
   Kind regards,
   John Morgan
   Surrey County Council
   [Longest 5-a-side football game]

Thanks for your explanation of the distinction - it was quite expressive. It is nice to know there are others who track records and ensure record keeping isn't a selective monopoly. I appreciate the coverage on your site and will be sure to mention your organization at my launch event to participating media.
   Cheers, L. Nuwame / Azikwe Ltd.
   [Largest board game - Luanga Nuwame]

   I write to you on behalf of Mrs. Asha Bhosle, who has been included in your records as the most recorded artist in the world. She turns 76 on 8th September 2009 and it could not have been a more fitting gift. As her son and manager, I would like to order a certificate for her. Please let me know the details.
   Thanks, Anand. (Her Son)
   [Most Recorded Artist - Asha Bhonsle]

  It is so nice that yours is a very ethical approach towards the record applicants, who many a times do something unusual, extra-ordinary and difficult without any motive of financial gains.
   With Best Wishes,
   Mrs. Rama Satish Shah / Rama's Ganeshas
  [Most Ganesha Idols Made in 99 days - Rama Shah]

 Thank you for listing our world record on your site. I am very happy to see it there, and I think your site looks great. Many thanks for your help.
   All the best,
   Damian Cardozo
   Managing Director, Haxnickx Ltd.
   [Longest solar - powered flight by paramotor]

  Thank you very much for speedy upload of our record on your website!
   with regards,
   Paresh Mathur
   Dy. General Manager - Stone India Limited
   [High reach pantograph - Stone India]

   Just for the record...I'd like to send you a big thank-you. :)
   Warm regards, Susan Pascale / Pascale Music Institute
   [Youngest String Orchestra at Carnegie Hall]

   We are really nice surprised by your report about our record on your website. We would like to thank you very for our link on your website.
    Best regards,
    Stepánka Havrlíková /  Škola kávy
    [Largest Cappuccino - Prague]

   We are very excited that we are now official and have received the certificate. I need to get you some photos.
   Thanks for your help.
   Robbie Bettis / Hoschton Scarecrow Stampede
   [Most Scarecrows in one location - Hoschton]
   Thanks for your explanation of the distinction - it was quite expressive. It is nice to know there are others who track records and ensure record keeping isn't a selective monopoly.
  I appreciate the coverage on your site and will be sure to mention your organization at my launch event to participating media.
  L. Nuwame / Azikwe Ltd. [Largest board game - Luanga Nuwame ]

   Thank you very much for your support.
   I am very much pleased to see my sand sculpture of Santa Claus in your website. I want to express my thanks for the presentation.
    Thank you very much for giving me your seal to use. Today I have also told the media here about record.
   Sudarsan Pattnaik / Sand India Ltd.
   [Tallest sand sculpture of Santa Claus]

   Thank you for your help in answering our questions & concerns.   
   Sincerely, Deonda Smith / Maxximus Technologies
   [ Fastest street legal car - world record set by G-Force]

   Thank you for recognizing our product as a world record!
   Hope you like the post on my Blog:
   "It is truly an honor to receive the accolades of the World Record Academy, seekers of the most accomplished, most outlandish, and in our case most durable in the entire world. "
   Bob Plaschke (CEO and President of Sonim Technologies)
   [Most durable phone]

   I received today my certificate, thank you a lot!
   Best regards
   Cristina Tiberio ( CEO Fireworks do Brasil)
   [Biggest fireworks show on the barge]

   ...yes, our world record Certificates arrived;
   beautiful frame by the way...
   Cmdte. Ronnie Nader (Jules Nader's Father)
   Space Operations Division Director, The Ecuadorian Civilian Space Agency
   [Youngest passenger on wheightless flight]

    Many many thanks ,
    I have received the world record certificate, it is amazing!
    Dr. Sudershan Chugh
   [Most successful piles surgeries]

   The framed World Record Certificates (2) and the 7 copies were received on Monday, April 28. They look great!! You did a good job and we sincerely do appreciate all you and your organization/staff have done for us folks in Marion, Michigan!
   Thank You!
   George Johnson,
   Coordinator-Marion Old Fashioned Days
   Marion Chamber of Commerce
   Marion, Michigan
   [Most tractors in a parade]

  We are delighted that you have recognized our efforts and we would certainly like to request a world record Certificate and Trophy for our world record.
   Best Regards,
   Gary Pemberton / Head of Mathematics, Qatar International School
  [Longest Pi Chain]

   Once again, Thanks! for all your consideration and effort. It is very nice to know that still in this world there is people that without knowing you, really cares about other people feelings.
   As an overview, I can tell you that more than 400 Media considered to San Alfonso in their daily information.Thank you very much for your hard work, we really appreciate it. Thanks a lot again.
   Francisca Montaño
   Journalist /  Quórum Comunicaciones
   [Largest swimming pool]

    I hope all is well with you! I am the Special Events Coordinator with the Dallas Market Center – I am delighted to see that you have added our attempt to hold the world’s largest kazoo band at our facility.    Thanks for your help!
   Emily Forsythe
   Dallas Market Center
   Special Events Coordinator
   [Largest kazoo band]  

   It's a big honour to be introduced on your website. Thank you very much. You will find a video of the Miniature Wunderland attached.
   Best Regards,
   Sebastian Drechsler / Miniature Wunderland
   [Largest miniature railroad]

   Thank you for featuring the World’s Largest Kurta record on your website. Am sharing additional information and photos on the same topic for your review should you prefer to add the same to the news item.
   Thanks and regards,
   Sadia Dada/ Account Manager
   Corporate & Marketing Communications (Pvt.) Ltd.
   [Largest Kurta]

   Many thanks for this VERY important recognition! (Business Book of the Year)
   Best Regards,
   Ricardo Bellino /  Trump Realty Brazil
   [Fastest deal - Donald Trump and Ricardo Bellino]

    Many thanks! We are very pleased about this.
    Best regards,
    Claeson Claes /  Volvo
    [Fastest heavy truck]

   Dear WRA,
  We've now included your website in our listings for World Records for Schools. Please see the following web link.
   Clayton Brough,
   Director World Records for Schools
    I’ve just got a Google news alert with the link for my World Record story at the World Record Academy website.
    First, let me thank you very much for the way you wrote my story. I’m very proud to be included at the World Record Academy gallery.
    I like the text very much
    Looking forward reading from you soon.
    Warm Personal Regards,
    Ricardo R. Bellino / Trump Realty Brazil
    Deal Maker
    [Fastest deal - Donald Trump and Ricardo Bellino]

   Hi, We would be interesting in hearing more about the seal, that we would potentially place on our site.
  Please send me further details.  Thanks in advance.
   Kieran Schreiber |  Regional Sales Manager |  NeoGames Technologies
   [Largest amount won on an on-line scratch card]

  Thanks so much for the input on the site, it looks great!! I will let our web guys know about the seal and I think we will be ordering a few bits as well. As soon as I’ve caught up with all my bits and pieces I will get onto it. Thanks again and kind regards
   Sabina Smith
   Event Manager
   The Great British Duck Race
  [Largest Charity Duck Race - British Duck Race]

   ...also i hear you have been contacted by a tv production team, if jack makes tv (national) we will make sure world records acdemy gets a mention. i still think your far superior to guinness, all we got from them was a email saying jack got the record and a certificate and no national press was interested in the story!
    tanks again for all your help and support. you have really been great to us,and i would like to thank you again for all your help and support for jack.
    best wishes
    [Youngest human DJ-Jack Hill ]
    BBC News (video): World's youngest DJ    

     Hooray! That’s great news! I can’t wait to tell the couples!
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
     Giselle Argentin
     [Longest kiss while standing in the window]

    First off I would like to thank you for your congratulatory message that you have sent me, I really appreciate it, and I would also like to thank you for choosing to include my world record in your book.
   I was wondering where I can go to pre-order your upcoming edition that will be printed in (March 2008), I would surely love to own a copy.
   Best regards,
   Master Kevin Taylor
   President & Founder of the W.S.B.B.A.
   [Fastest Bricks Breaker - Kevin Taylor]
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