COLLECTIONS world records


  Largest private collection of toy soldiers: Jonathan Waters breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

Largest collection of burger memorabilia: Harry Sperl sets world record (VIDEO)

Largest collection of fishing lures: Will "Spike" Yocum breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

Largest collection of lip balms: Megan Baker breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

Largest collection of model armour tanks: The Tank Museum breaks Guinness World Records record

Largest collection of peach pits: Joe Resendes breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

Largest collection of pencils: Tushar Lakhanpal breaks Guinness World Records record

Largest collection of coffee cup lids: US architects broke Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)

Largest fossilized poop collection: George Frandsen breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO) 

Largest collection of Slinkys: Susan Suazo breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO) 

Largest collection of Spice Girls memorabilia: Elizabeth West breaks Guinness World Records record (VIDEO)
Largest collection of Darth Vader memorabilia: Bill McBride sets world record (VIDEO)

Largest collection of Moshi Monsters memorabilia: Lucy Neath breaks Guinness World Records' record (VIDEO) 

Largest collection of cow-related items: Ruth Klossner breaks Guinness World Records' record

Largest Collection of Tomb Raider Memorabilia: Rodrigo Martin Santos breaks Guinness World Records' record

Largest collection of Harry Potter memorabilia: Mexican lawyer breaks Guinness World Records' record (VIDEO)

Largest collection of bagpipes: Danny Fleming breaks Guinness World Records' record (VIDEO) 

Largest Collection Of Pizza Boxes: Scott Wiener breaks Guinness World Records' record (VIDEO) 

 Largest collection of napkins: Antonia Kozakova breaks Guinness world record 

Largest collection of Star Wars Lego kits: Jon Jessesen breaks Guinness world record 

Largest collection of cameras: Dilish Parekh breaks Guinness world record 

Largest collection of banknotes with similar serial numbers: Hassan bin Ali al-Naimi sets world record 

Largest collection of sheep-related items: Michelle Sullivan breaks Guinness world record (VIDEO) 

Largest collection of refrigerator magnets: Louise Greenfarb breaks Guinness world record 

Largest collection of wine labels: Alain Laliberte breaks Guinness world record

Largest collection of trolls: Ray Dyson breaks Guinness world record

Largest Collection of Cookie Jars: Edith Eva Fuchs breaks Guinness world record

Largest collection of letter openers:Santa Fe College smash Guinness world record

Largest collection of trolls: Sherry Groom breaks Guinness world record

Largest collection of video game memorabilia: Brett Martin breaks Guinness world record 

Largest private challenge coin collection: Coins for Anything breaks Guinness world record 

Most Christmas Cards Received: Dalton Dingus breaks Guinness world record 

Largest collection of frogs memorabilia: Thayer Cueter sets world record 

Largest collection of sneakers: Jordan Michael Geller sets world record (VIDEO)

Largest Mickey Mouse collection: Janet Esteves breaks world record (VIDEO)

Largest collection of elephant memorabilia: Andy Swan sets world record (VIDEO)

Largest collection of shoe-related items: Darlene Flynn sets world record (VIDEO) 

Largest teddy bear collection: Jackie Miley sets world record (PICS & VIDEO)

Largest collection of umbrella covers: The Umbrella Cover Museum sets world record (PICS & VIDEO) 

Largest collection of label pins: Arvind Sinha sets world record (PICS) 

Largest collection of model cars: Dr. Hank Hammer sets world record (PICS) 

Most expensive sports memorabilia: Babe Ruth jersey sets world record 

Largest collection of stamps featuring birds: Daniel Monteiro sets world record 

 Largest collection of pizza memorabilia: Brian Dwyer sets world record (Video) 

Largest Collection of Chevrolet Memorabilia: Charlie Mallon sets world record (PICS) 

Largest walking sticks collection: Billy Sutton sets world record 

Most Expensive Tooth: John Lennon's memorabilia sets world record (Video) 

Largest collection of toy soldiers: Spanish Museum sets world record (HD Video) 

Most completed Lego sets in a private collection: Capt. Kyle Ugone sets world record 

Largest collection of pull tabs from aluminum cans: Todd Mannebach sets world record 

Largest collection of Converse sneakers: Penny Gold 

 Largest collection of miniature shoes: K. B. Shivashankar  

Largest collection of beaver-related memorabilia: Betty Davis (Video)

Largest collection of autographed baseballs: Dennis Schrader (Video)

Largest gum collection: Sarah Maughan

Largest Collection of Board Games: Jeff Bauspies


Largest collection of flamingos: Sherry Knight (Video)

Biggest comic book collection: Brett Chilman

Largest collection of fire patches: Bob Brooks (Video)

Largest instant camera collection: Wong Ting Man (HD Video)

Largest Collection of Coca-Cola Memorabilia: The Schmidt Museum (HD Video)

Largest love doll collection: Bob Gibbins (Video)

Largest collection of sick bags: Niek Vermeulen

Largest Toy Collection: 'Jerni Collection' by Jerry Greene

Largest collection of milk bottles: Paul Luke

Largest collection of Beatles memorabilia: Rodolfo Vazquez

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