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Largest Workout Flashmob: world record set by Romanian schoolchildren

March 29, 2021
Largest Workout Flashmob: world record set by Romanian schoolchildren. Photo: Ziarul de Vrancea
FOCSANI, Vrancea County, Romania--A total of 1697 schoolchildren and high school students from the municipality of Focsani and Adjud, also the cities of Marasesti, Panciu as well as from schools throughout the Vrancea County participated in a flashmob dedicated to the sport and workout, during an event organized by the Vrancea County School Inspectorate, the Vrancea County Directorate for Sports and the Focsani City Hall; the flashmob sets the new world record for the Largest workout flash mob / Largest workout flashmob, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

"It is noteworthy that the action was impeccable without any repetition, which shows that in physical education classes, the little ones are disciplined, learn to organize, learn to cooperate, act in a team, given that the Union Square in Focșani looked impeccable," the Monitorul de Vrancea reports.
Largest Workout Flashmob: world record set by Romanian schoolchildren. Photo: Ziarul de Vrancea

The World's Largest Workout Flashmob was initiated by the deputy of the Vrancea County School Inspectorate, the teacher of physical education and sports, Aurel Șelaru, who was with those present in Unirii Square together, teacher Lauriana Ailincuței, general school inspector at the Vrancea County School Inspectorate, and Daniel Gongu, director of the Vrancea County Youth Sports Department

The Largest Workout Flash mob was an event "to promote physical education and sports in Romania, to campaign for physical education in school and to increase physical education and sports classes because any people wants to have a healthy young generation," says the deputy general inspector of the Vrancea County School Inspectorate, Aurel Șelaru.

"It was the most beautiful action with the children and for the children I participated in. Unfortunately it was too short and we promise to do everything we can to reiterate this moment. It was a flashmob for movement, for health, for youth ", the general inspector of IȘJ, Lauriana Ailincuței, says for Ziarul de Vrancea. "Many thanks to Focșani City Hall for their support!"

The World's Largest Flashmob ended with a Hora Dance (Hora Unirii), in which all those present in Piata Unirii, students, teachers, parents, grandparents, relatives and friends of the participating students were caught, the Sportul de Vrancea reports.

AILINCUTEI LAURIANA - inspector scolar general
SELARU AUREL - inspector scolar general adjunct
MINCÄ‚ VICA  inspector ÅŸcolar- educatie fizică ÅŸi sport
EUFROSIE MIRICĂ FLORIN - profesor de educatie fizică si sport
PAIZAN VIOREL - profesor de educatie fizică si sport
POPA COSMIN - profesor de educaţie fizică si sport
SMEU CARMEN - profesor de educaţie fizică şi sport
GONGU DANIEL - director DJST Vrancea

Largest Workout Flashmob: world record set by Romanian schoolchildren. Photo: Ziarul de Vrancea

"I am glad to see that so many of you have responded to our invitation and come to enjoy movement of any kind together. That is what we must do every day, that is the purpose of today's action. Good luck in the future ", said teacher Vica Mincă.

"Physical activity ensures children's health, eliminates sleep problems, attention and concentration. That is why it becomes the obligation, first of all, of parents who want to raise future healthy, independent adults with strong will, so that, together with teachers of physical education and sports, to cultivate an education for children for movement, health, education physical education being part of lifelong learning."

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