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Longest Natural Functional Bridge World Record: Natural Bridge from Ponoarele

October 29, 2018

A legend says the bridge was built by Hercules himself.

 The Natural Bridge from Ponoarele, Mehedinti county, Romania, also known as 'God's Bridge', is 30 meters long and 22 height, crossed by the county road DJ 670 Baia de Arama - Turnu Severin, the only one in the world that can be used by vehicles and thus setting the world record for being the World's Longest Natural Functional Bridge, according to the Academy of World Records.

PONOARELE, Romania -- The Natural Bridge from Ponoarele , Mehedinti county, Romania, also known as ' God's Bridge ', is 30 meters long and 22 height, crossed by the county road DJ 670 Baia de Arama - Turnu Severin, the only one in the world that can be used by vehicles and thus setting the world record for being the World's Longest Natural Functional Bridge , according to the Academy of World Records.

The God's Bridge (Natural Bridge from Ponoarele) is a vestige of the Bridge Cave that resulted from the overthrow of its ceiling.

As a petrographic structure it has a massive structure of laminated limestone in 1-2 meters jambs, the downstream arch where it is in a much better conservation state than upstream.

A legend says the bridge was built by Hercules himself.

The God's Bridge (Natural Bridge from Ponoarele)is the largest natural bridge in the country and the second largest in Europe (30 m long, 13 m wide, 22 m high and 9 m thick), but the world's only open road traffic (including heavy tonnage).

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