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Most books published by a former intelligence agent, world record set by Pavel CoruÈ›

August 4, 2024
Most books published by a former intelligence agent, world record set by Pavel CoruÈ›

Iasi, Romania--Pavel CoruÈ› (17 June 1949 – 28 October 2021), a former Romanian writer and intelligence officer, wrote, among other things, about his experience as an intelligence and counterintelligence officer in Romania; he has written over 170 books, including fantasy novels and life-guiding books, setting the world record for the Most books published by a former intelligence agent, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

"Pavel CoruÈ› debuted in civilian life as a journalist, in 1990, signing at first under the pseudonym of Paul Cernescu (a name later assigned to a fictional character from the Octogonul series) and then as a writer, in 1992, publishing since then over 170 books, novels by fiction, non-fiction, love, motivational and poems, according to Wikipedia," says.

"The books written were published with difficulty and with a lot of mistrust at first, but later they were published in several editions totaling several million copies. Total books published exceeded 4 million copies by 2006, according to the author.

"The subjects touched by the author in these books are diverse. Speculative fiction, history, self-education methods, applied psychology, lyrics, ancestor worship, mysteries of the world we live in, secret services are just some of the keywords around which the writer's entire work revolves."

Most books published by a former intelligence agent, world record set by Pavel CoruÈ›

"The entire work of the writer was divided into the following series:

Octogonul - novels built from elements of fantasy and science fiction, in the first part of each novel, which also gives the title of the book, followed by a journalistic text referring to the political and social situation in Romania post-December 1989;

The Art of Success - the books in this series have as their subject self-education and the creation of a successful personality through elements of applied psychology; Romance novels - novels in which the main characters are "victims" of feelings, but they are also the ones who give hope and confidence to the imagined heroes;

Poems - lyrics, a passion of the writer's youth [citation needed], were included in a first phase in the novels of the Octogonul series, and then they were brought together in several volumes of poems. Books on the art of success, applied psychology, syntheses of various scientific researches.

Romance novels - the books in this category bring to light the unseen face of the former head of Romanian counterintelligence, namely the sentimental romantic," says.

Most books published by a former intelligence agent, world record set by Pavel CoruÈ›

"Pavel CoruÈ› (17 June 1949 – 28 October 2021) was a Romanian writer and intelligence officer. He wrote, among other things, about his experience as an intelligence and counterintelligence officer in Romania. His most popular books are Quinta spartă (Broken Quintet) and Fulgerul albastru ("Blue Lightning") of the Octogonul ("The Octagon") series.

"Born in Glăvănești, Iași County, Coruț worked as an intelligence officer until 1990, when he was pensioned at 39-year-old by then Defense Minister, general Nicolae Militaru.

"After a period of being a journalist, signing as Paul Cernescu, CoruÈ› became a full-time writer. He has written 170 books so far (by the end of February 2017), including fantasy novels and life-guiding books."  (Wikipedia)

Most books published by a former intelligence agent, world record set by Pavel CoruÈ›

"Pavel CoruÈ› wrote a few words about his life, in a post on Facebook: "I live in a village in Ilfov county, since 2005. I have no political likes or dislikes. I no longer believe that our nation will be saved by politicians , but of free entrepreneurs. I am a free thinker. I believe only in God and make the holy sign of our ancestors - the cross. I am put on the index as a nationalist and a racist, because of several writings and television shows," says.

"At the age of 67, this doesn't bother me anymore. I also don't mind the fact that I can't be appointed or elected to public positions, because I worked in the Directorate of Military Counterintelligence [Directorate IV of the DSS]. I'm satisfied of the life I lead and I don't dream anything special for myself. I dream, however, that the Romanian nation will come to its senses and manifest its creative potential, to get out of the economic and moral crisis."

Most books published by a former intelligence agent, world record set by Pavel CoruÈ›

"I do not discuss secret issues on the (Facebook) account or otherwise. I wrote everything that needed to be written about the Revolution, in the period 1990-2000. I am not interested in political activities. In the period 1997-2000, I founded the Romanian Life Party, a doctrinal party misunderstood by my compatriots. I will not repeat the mistake of acting politically. I prefer to teach a few people the basics of the art of success.

"I hope I clarified as many points as possible from those that troubled you. Those who will stay with me know me as I really am: a decent man. A man who wrote 164 books with love of people can't be bad, can he?"

"I state to you that I did not arrest, investigate, accuse or send any Romanian citizen to court. I participated in the capture of foreign military spies and a terrorist. I have not collaborated with any foreign secret service. I have a clear conscience towards my nation, a nation for which I would die at any time," says.

Most books published by a former intelligence agent, world record set by Pavel CoruÈ›

"Glăvănești is a village in Andrieseni commune, Iași county, Moldova, Romania.

"Figures: Pavel CoruÈ› (b. 1949) - former head of the Counterintelligence Bureau of the DSS Military Counterintelligence Directorate (before 1989), writer. (

"In an interview from 2014, Pavel CoruÈ› said that he is not afraid of death and that he has overcome many difficult trials throughout his life. The total number of published books exceeds 4 million copies by 2006, according to the author," Romania TV says.

"The books written by Pavel CoruÈ› were published in several editions, totaling 4 million copies by 2006, according to the author. The subjects touched by the writer were among the most diverse, from speculative fiction, history, self-education methods, applied psychology, lyrics, the cult of ancestors, the mysteries of the world we live in or secret services.

"The subjects touched by the author in these books are diverse. Speculative fiction, history, self-education methods, applied psychology, lyrics, ancestor worship, mysteries of the world we live in, secret services are just some of the keywords around which the writer's entire work revolves."

Photos: Most books published by a former intelligence agent, world record set by Pavel CoruÈ›


(2) Facebook/Maria Tunaru

(3) Facebook/Maria Prangachi

(4) Facebook/Doina Colceriu

(5) Facebook/Alin Romulus Pacurar

(6) Facebook/Ion Tudor

(7) Facebook/Ion Tudor

(8) Ziua de Constanta

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