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World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

April 17, 2024
World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

Andover, South Dakota, United States--The 150 CASE Road Locomotive, originally built in 1905 by the JI CASE Co. and built entirely from scratch by Kory Anderson and debuted in 2018; the 150 Case is 25 feet long, 14 feet wide, and 14 feet high; it weighs a massive 75,000 lbs (34,000 Kgs) loaded and packs a 58-inch long firebox, setting the world record for being the World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

""In the steam engine hobby, it has a huge legacy. It's like the Titanic of the tractors. I mean it was the biggest one ever produced and none of them survived," the Agweek says.

"That's the way Kory Anderson describes the world's only Case 150 steam engine that he rebuilt from just the original boiler and revealed this year at the James Valley Threshing Show in Andover, S.D. "The road locomotive was basically lost in history. I mean, none had survived over the last 100 years. All the nine that were built were eventually scrapped and so it was kind of lost in history until we recreated it and brought it back to life in September of this year," he says.

"The project is one Anderson dreamed of since he was just 10 years old. However, it wasn't until 2007 that he acquired the original blueprints from Case and started to design the 150 into a three-dimensional CAD model which allowed him to produce the parts. For the next 10 years, Anderson and a team of volunteers worked at Dakota Foundry in Webster to cast the parts for the Case 150. When the parts were finally completed, he took the parts to Wyoming for assembly."

World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

"THE 150 HP CASE IS THE LARGEST STEAM TRACTION ENGINE EVER PRODUCED. Built originally in 1905, zero of them ever lived on – until recreated from scratch in 2018 by Kory Anderson," the official website says.

"The journey of the multi-year build was followed by more than 10,000 followers on Facebook and eventually led to more than 20+ MILLION views on YouTube with his legendary “engine pull” in September 2019 at the Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion (WMSTR) in Rollag, Minnesota, followed by the 2022 historic 50-bottom pull in Andover, SD."

World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

"It has been a hard pull all summer working seven days a week to get the 150 Case assembled and the final parts cast and machined. I was blessed with a great team to help get the job done and a number of friends who came out to help as needed," the Dakota Foundry says.

"We lit the first match on 8/18/18 and fired it for four days running, testing, and breaking in the engine and gearing. We drove around to break in the mesh on all the large open gear teeth, this will be the longest part of the break in process to get all the additional gears for the two speed wore in good.

"It is still incomprehensible the size of this engine. After working on it everyday you become immersed in the size of it, once in a while I would have to go to Gary Bradley’s engine shed and stand beside the 110 Case (which seems small in comparison) to get back to real perspective."

World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

"The 150 Horse Power CASE steam engine is somewhat like the story of the Titanic. It was built as the largest steam traction engine of its time, but all we have left are the stories and a few pictures. Ever since I was a little boy listening to the stories George Hedtke would tell about this great engine I was fascinated by it," the James Valley Threshers Association says.

"The project started with a trip out to Racine, Wisconsin in 2006 to the CASE plant where I met Rich Tworek, who gave me a tour of the archives where all the old drawings were stored. I paged through the thousands of old steam engine and shop equipment prints and was able to make copies of whatever I needed to start the project.

"I started with the pattern for the Cylinder Head and when I had finished that pattern it was the first visualization of what this engine size would actually be, which is HUGE. Over the last 5 years I have continued to make patterns and currently have about a third of the over one hundred patterns done that will be needed to make this engine."

World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

"The 150 Case steam engine was originally built in 1905 by The Case Company. Only 9 of these massive engines were made, and none survived. Then in 2016, Kory Anderson and his team decided to bring back the giant steam engine to life," the says.

"How large is the world’s largest steam traction engine? The 150 Case is 25 feet long, 14 feet wide, and 14 feet high. It weighs a massive 75,000 lbs (34,000 Kgs) loaded and packs a 58-inch long firebox.

"The original creators of this massive engine discontinued it within two years of introducing it. This was so because there was no real market for such a massive tractor, and railways were more feasible and faster.

World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

"With eight-foot-tall drive wheels, a boiler a full-grown man could walk under, and the capacity to pull 50 tons, the Case 150 HP steam engine laid claim to the largest road locomotive of its time. That will change later this year when one of the Case's admirers plans to unveil his entirely hand-built 25-foot-long, 10-foot-wide full-size replica," the says.

"So in 1904, at a time when the company offered a line of steam engines ranging from 9 HP to 80 HP, it built the first Case 150 HP road locomotive, serial number 14666. The mammoth of a vehicle used a 14-inch-by-14-inch steam engine that turned a 50-inch flywheel through a two-speed transmission.

"Its bunker capacity of 1,200 pounds and water tank capacity of 1,000 gallons could keep its massive firebox and boiler running for about three hours. Impressively - and imperatively, for such a large vehicle - the road locomotive featured a power steering mechanism to turn its five-foot-tall front wheels. In low gear, it could reach a speed of 2.64 MPH; in high, 5.69 MPH."

World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

"Corey Anderson brings the action in Andover, South Dakota, to fire up the 150 Case road locomotive.

"It was originally built in 1905 by the company, producing nine of these engines. None of them survived and they were all scrapped. However, in 2018 they brought one back alive, building it to the original blueprints acquired from the Case company in Racine, Wisconsin," the
North America FarmQuip Magazine says.

"Over the course of ten years, they brought the engine back to life; in this video, they are going to show the process of firing it up."

World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

"The Andover native is 35 now and has just finished building from scratch a 150-horsepower Case road locomotive, a model that has sometimes been billed as the largest steam tractor ever made," the Farm Forum says.

"In its day the Case 150 was created to haul heavy freight. Only nine were manufactured from 1905 to 1907, Anderson said. The monstrous tractor — which looked like a train engine, but moved on land — quickly met its demise as railroads laid track through the Midwest. The beastly size and heft quickly made the Case obsolete when trains started hauling freight across the nation.

"Anderson estimates about 50 people, $1.5 million and 4,000 hours have been invested in his project. It’s taken about seven full years for the bulk of the work to be completed. Some of the cost was donated via labor, material or parts from those excited to see a piece of agricultural history in motion, but the Andersons covered most of it. They run Anderson Industries, Horsch LLC and Dakota Foundry, a metal casting shop that was bought, in part, for the Case 150 undertaking."

World's Largest Steam Traction Engine, world record in Andover, South Dakota

"Check out the 150HP Case Road Locomotive, built entirely from scratch by Kory Anderson and debuted in 2018. The 150 CASE Road Locomotive was originally built in 1905 by the JI CASE Co. None of the 9 engines survived until he brought one back to life," the Kory Anderson says.

"This video documents a record-setting plow for the 150 Case pulling 36 John Deere Bottom plows. The plow is constructed of 3 John Deere plows mounted together as they never produced such a plow before. For more information on the project and the 150HP Case visit"

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