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World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

March 23, 2024
World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

Murphy, North Carolina, United States--Fields Of The Wood, a 220-acre biblical theme park in Murphy, North Carolina, was created in 1943 by A.J. Tomlinson and the Church of God; the main attraction is the gigantic Ten Commandments, which are five feet tall by four feet wide and can be seen from 5,000 feet in the air, thus setting the world record for being the World's Largest Ten Commandments, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

Photos: Facebook/Fields of the Wood

World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

"Fields Of The Wood, a 220-acre biblical theme park in Murphy, North Carolina, was created in 1943 by A.J. Tomlinson and the Church of God," the Strange Carolinas says.

"The park contains a baptismal pool, a replica of Jesus's burial tomb, a prayer mountain containing a path with 29 biblical teachings, a cafe, and gift shop. But the main attraction is the gigantic Ten Commandments.

"The letters used in the Ten Commandments are five feet tall by four feet wide. The massive display can be seen from 5,000 feet in the air."

World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

"Near the western boundary of North Carolina sits Fields of the Wood Bible Park, a park built by the Church of God of Prophecy, open to the public, and free to visitors. People from the neighboring states (Tennessee and Georgia) and others from all over the country come to the park to see the World’s Largest Ten Commandments, religious replicas and an outdoor baptismal pool.

"Ambrose Tomlinson’s revelation in the North Carolina mountains as he passed out tracts led him to form the church, which later purchased 210 acres of land, creating Fields of the Wood, which is located 18 miles west of Murphy, North Carolina on Highway NC-294," the VroomVroomVroom says.

"Tomlinson’s first project was this Big Copy of the Ten Commandments, which are principles (both instructions and prohibitions) inscribed onto 2 stone tablets by God and given to Moses on Mount Sinai, according to the story in Exodus. Other markers at Fields of the Wood, which you can find at 10000 North Carolina 294, Murphy, NC 28906, include the world’s largest altar, the world’s largest New Testament, and the world’s largest cross. There are picnic areas and bathrooms available to all visitors."

World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

"There is a place in Murphy, North Carolina, where people go to cast their worries and burdens aside. It's called Fields of the Wood. The biblical theme park sits on 200 acres of land and has the world's largest display of the Ten Commandments on the side of a mountain," the WLOS says.

"The park was built in the 1940s and cost $1.5 million to construct. Today, the cost equivalent would be nearly $23 million. On any given weekend, there are hundreds of visitors that walk the 321 steps up Prayer Mountain.

"Visitors can find a baptism pool and a replica of the tomb where Jesus was laid after his crucifixion on the park's property. There is even a plane runway at the top of the mountain."

World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

"Fields of the Wood is a Christian religious park of more than 200 acres (81 ha) in Cherokee County, North Carolina, owned by the Church of God of Prophecy—a Holiness Pentecostal denomination. It is best known for the largest representation of the Ten Commandments in the world, measuring 300-foot (91 m) wide across a mountainside.

"Fields of the Wood includes numerous markers and monuments, some of significance to Christians generally and others only to members of the Church of God of Prophecy. These include representations of the three crosses on Golgotha and The Garden Tomb; a baptismal pool; "Prayer Mountain," featuring 29 monuments with quotations from the Bible and four markers summarizing the history of the Church of God of Prophecy; and at the top, a "Prayed and Prevailed" marker where written prayers are often left by visitors. Nearby is a small airplane retired from the "White Angel Fleet."

"On the opposite Burger Mountain is a representation of the Ten Commandments with letters 5 feet (1.5 m) high and 4 feet (1.2 m) wide, bordered with one-foot (0.30 m) concrete sections measuring 300 feet (91 m) from side-to-side.[8] At the top of the mountain a concrete "All Nations Cross" is the outlined on the ground with 86 flag poles flying flags of some of the countries where the Church has ministries. When the park was built, it was the largest Christian cross in the world.[9][10] Three short hiking trails lead down from the mountain to restrooms, picnic tables, a gift shop, and a café. The site has no campground or large preaching venue."  (

World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

"One of the most spectacular markers in Fields of the Wood is the gigantic Ten Commandments spread across the face of Burger Mountain. The letters spelling out the commandments are five feet in height and four feet wide. The marker is visible from five thousand feet in the air," the Church Of God of Prophecy says.

"The Ten Commandments are bordered with one foot concrete sections measuring three hundred feet from side-to-side. Included in the border are small sections at the foot of the mountain with concrete letters which read, “Major Prophets” and “Minor Prophets”. Centered below are replicas of the Church of God of Prophecy flag and the United States flag.

"The visitor that chooses to take the challenging climb to the top of the mountain will climb 326 stairs. If you add the second wing of stairs and those that lead to the top of the New Testament Outlook, you will have climbed a total of 358 steps. After you reach the top, take a deep breath and then take in the spectacular view. On a clear day the view will encompass western North Carolina, eastern Tennessee, and northern Georgia."

World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

"Built in 1945, Fields of the Woods, located in Murphy, North Carolina has what’s considered the worlds largest ten commandments. I remember visiting there a couple times as a child. Oh how I loved climbing the steps to get to the top where the Bible stands," the says.

"With the weather warming up a tad, we decided to make a last minute stop so they could experience it as well. It has changed over the years from what I remember it being, but it’s still an amazing place.

"If you’re unable to walk to the steps to the top, there’s a road to the right of the Ten Commandments. You can follow that to the top. There’s plenty of parking that can be found behind the Bible. Also, in that area, you’ll find picnic tables if you bring a lunch to enjoy. We originally brought our lunch, but the weather took a turn for the worse so we were unable to have a picnic that day."

World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

"You'll pass the bigger-than-life, five feet tall letters spelling out the ten commandments laid out on the side of the mountain as you ascend to what may possibly be the world's biggest bible. In all, the open field displaying the ten commandments is 300 feet wide," the Only In Your State says.

"The theme park even has a baptismal pool. It's found at the base of Prayer Mountain. Markers on either end describe the importance of baptism. One of the most moving things found at Fields of the Wood is the replica garden tomb and Golgotha Hill.

"Visitors to Fields of the Wood find inspiration in the unique larger than life and interactive attractions found in the theme park. The typical amount of time to set aside to experience it all is two and a half hours. Fields of the Wood is open year round from dawn to dusk. Imagine watching the sunrise from the top of Ten Commandment Mountain."

World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

"Curiously, Ambrose Jessup Tomlinson, to commemorate his vision of the Church of God of Prophecy, he marked the spot of his revelation by founding the successful religious theme park, Fields of the Woods close nearby. It s one of the oldest such theme parks in the country, and one of North Carolina’s most successful tourist attractions," the Atlas Obscura says.

"The main draw of the park is no doubt the massive Ten Commandments, the world’s largest, written on a hillside with concrete letters 5 feet tall and 4 feet wide. Among the other attractions are “the world’s largest altar, a concrete structure 80 feet long erected where Tomlinson prayed, and the world’s largest New Testament, an open concrete Bible 30 feet tall and 50 feet wide.”

"Besides just enormous religious symbols, the park also boasts a Baptismal Pool available to be used for Summer baptisms, a re-creation of Golgatha “the place of a skull” where Jesus was said to be crucified, and a re-creation of Jesus’ Tomb."

World's Largest Ten Commandments, world record in Murphy, North Carolina

"Fields of the Wood is managed by Heritage Ministries, a department of the Church of God of Prophecy. This beautiful, biblical outdoor theme park is located on more than two hundred acres of land in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains.

"The first temporary marker was erected on November 15,1940, at the site of the now permanent marble and concrete structure known as the Arise Shine marker. This was the beginning of an incredible project. Three other temporary markers were placed prior to the actual permanent construction which began in 1943," the
official website says.

"The history of Fields of the Wood and the biography of A.J. Tomlinson are inextricably intertwined. It is impossible to discuss one without the other. From the Arise Shine marker, located on the site of the Bryant home where Tomlinson joined the organization that has come to be known as the Church of God of Prophecy, to the All Nations Cross, Tomlinson’s fingerprints cover the entire park.

"A.J. Tomlinson, General Overseer of the Church of God of Prophecy until his death in 1943, personally directed much of the initial construction. M.A. Tomlinson, son of A. J. Tomlinson, and other leaders of the church continued this massive project after the death of A. J. Tomlinson. Many of the markers you see today were designed by L.S. Rhodes. His largest designs are the Ten Commandments and the New Testament markers."

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