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World's Largest Operational Frying Pan, world record in Rose Hill, North Carolina

March 21, 2024
World's Largest Operational Frying Pan, world record in Rose Hill, North Carolina

Rose Hill, North Carolina, United States--Created in 1963 by Ramsey Feed Company, the giant frying pan on display in Rose Hill, North Carolina, is dusted off once a year for the NC Poultry Jubilee; this 15-foot-wide behemoth weighs 2 tons, holds up to 200 gallons of cooking oil, covers an astonishing 176 square feet, operates on 40 propane burners and can hold up to 365 whole chickens, thus setting the world record for being the World's Largest Operational Frying Pan, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY. 

World's Largest Operational Frying Pan, world record in Rose Hill, North Carolina

"This 15-foot-wide behemoth can be found a short drive off Interstate 40. A sign posted in front of the pan asserts that it weighs 2 tons, holds up to 200 gallons of cooking oil, covers an astonishing 176 square feet, operates on 40 propane burners and can hold up to 365 whole chickens. It even has a 6-foot handle sticking off of one side, not that anyone could ever use it," the Atlas Obscura says.

"The pan is so large it must be broken into wedges for cooking purposes. As such, it doesn’t look as much like a cast iron frying pan as other “World’s Biggest Frying Pan” contenders in Brandon, Iowa or in Long Beach, Washington. But this entry in the obscure competition of world’s largest fryer has a leg up on both of these other frying pans: It’s still operational.

"The World’s Largest Frying Pan is relatively easy to find, located in the Rose Hill Town Square, which is about 2 miles away from exit 380 off of Interstate 40. On most afternoons, this destination is little more than a novelty, and the pan itself isn’t well displayed because it is covered to protect it from the elements. Perhaps the best time to see the pan in action each year is at the North Carolina Poultry Jubilee held each fall, which includes a food festival featuring chicken cooked in the pan."

World's Largest Operational Frying Pan, world record in Rose Hill, North Carolina

"It's been brutally hot, and so the Tar Heel Traveler revisits a hot classic, the world's largest frying pan in the Duplin County town of Rose Hill," the says.

"The frying pan is 15 feet in diameter and weighs two tons and since 1963 has been a world-famous landmark."

World's Largest Operational Frying Pan, world record in Rose Hill, North Carolina

"Rose Hill, NC is home to the World's Largest Frying Pan. Created in 1963 by Ramsey Feed Company, the giant frying pan is dusted off once a year for the NC Poultry Jubilee," the Strange Carolinas says.

"On the other 364 days, it's not very picturesque and can find be found under a gazebo-like structure. But what you probably want to know is how big it truly is.

"According to the signs near The World's Largest Frying Pan:

  • It weighs two tons.
  • It is 15 feet in diameter, with a circumference of 45 feet.
  • The handle is six feet long.
  • It uses 200 gallons of cooking oil.
  • It is heated by 40 gas burners.
  • It can cook 365 chickens at one time.
  • As many as 3,000 chicken dinners have been served at one time.
World's Largest Operational Frying Pan, world record in Rose Hill, North Carolina

"Like the big tire, this is the world's largest operational frying pan—there are at least five other frying pans in the US vying for the title of largest, including largest nonstick frying pan," the Alexandra Charitan says.

"This one, located in Rose Hill, North Carolina (I just realized that all of these, with the exception of the beer stein, are in North Carolina) weighs two tons, has a circumference of 45 feet and a six-foot handle. It holds 200 gallons of cooking oil, sits on 40 gas burners and has a capacity of 365 chickens.

"It was built in 1963 by the Ramsey Feed Company and is used during the North Carolina poultry jubilee as well as community fundraising events. It's so large that it's actually constructed of several separate wedges, and it's covered when not in use—without the signage (including light pole banners all over town) I might have never guessed that the tarp was concealing a world-record holder."

World's Largest Operational Frying Pan, world record in Rose Hill, North Carolina

"There are several frying pans vying for the title of World’s Largest, leading would-be competitors to add hyper-specific qualifiers or spelling quirks to their entries, such as the World’s Largest Nonstick Frying Pan and Iowa’s Largest Fryin’ Pan," the says.

"Rose Hill, North Carolina, boasts its own variation, the World’s Largest Operational Frying Pan: The 2-ton pan, which has a circumference of 45 feet and a 6-foot handle, can hold 200 gallons of cooking oil.

"Built in 1963 by the Ramsey Feed Company, the pan comprises several separate wedges and sits on 40 gas burners. With a cooking capacity of 365 chickens, the pan is used during the
North Carolina poultry jubilee as well as for community fundraising events."

World's Largest Operational Frying Pan, world record in Rose Hill, North Carolina

"Ever needed to cook 365 chickens at once, but your frying pan just wasn’t big enough?" the Walter Magazine says.

"In Rose Hill you can find the world’s largest frying pan, which not only happens to be 15 feet in diameter and two tons in weight, but has a capacity for 200 gallons of oil.

"As novel as that may seem, this frying pan is actually fully functional, and is used throughout the year for local organization fundraisers and for the annual North Carolina Poultry Jubilee."

World's Largest Operational Frying Pan, world record in Rose Hill, North Carolina

"The small town of Rose Hill is home to the world’s largest operational frying pan," the Trips To Discover says.

"At 15 feet wide and 176 square feet, it weighs a whopping two tons and can hold up to 200 gallons of cooking oil. Which it does, every fall during the North Carolina Poultry Jamboree, when it can hold up to 365 whole chickens at one time!

"During the rest of the year, it’s mostly just a novelty but it still makes for a great photo opp with the family."

Related world records:

World's Largest Frying Pan, world record in Georgetown, Delaware
Longest French Fries Cooking Marathon: Luc Driesen

Largest cast-iron skillet: South Pittsburg's Lodge Cast Iron Museum sets world record
Longest California roll: world record set by the Purchase College (VIDEO)
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