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World’s Largest Tuned Musical Windchime: world record in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

July 26, 2023
World’s Largest Windchimes: world record in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Eureka Springs, Arkansas, United States--The Celestial Windz Harmonic Bizaar, located at 381 Highway 23 S., Eureka Springs, Arkansas, hosts a giant wind chime, erected by windchime artist, Ranaga Farbiarz, and dedicated to Ranaga's late father, Ignatz Farbiarz, a Holocaust Survivor; the total weight of the chime is 653 pounds with the musical tubing alone weighing 310 pounds and the 6-foot (1.8 m) by 8-foot (2.4 m) wooden pyramidal shaped top weighs 225 pounds, setting the world record for the World’s Largest Windchimes (World's Largest Tuned Musical Windchime), according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

World’s Largest Windchimes: world record in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

"There’s no doubt that Eureka Springs is Arkansas’ most artistic and unique town. So of course the world’s largest windchimes can be found here. Let’s see and listen to this quirky work of art," the Only In Your State says.

"One of those features is the world's largest wind chimes. The beloved attraction is now housed in Celestial Windz Harmonic Bizaar, which is located at 381 Highway 23 S., Eureka Springs, AR 72632. Celestial Windz has all sorts of interesting wares including holistic medicine, crafted jewelry and, of course, windchimes.

"The work of art holds the Guinness World Record for the largest set of windchimes at 35 ft. and 10 in. They beat the previous record by more than double. They took six months to make and are tuned to the Oriental pentatonic scale. The largest and smallest tubes are one octave apart and all together the chimes sound downright otherworldly."

World’s Largest Windchimes: world record in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

"The World's Largest Tuned Musical Windchime was erected by windchime artist, Ranaga Farbiarz, in the parking area of Celestial Windz Harmonic Bizaar, south of Eureka Springs, Arkansas on Thursday, November 4, 2004. With the help of a bucket truck, a 100-foot (30 m) tall oak tree, his son David, and numerous friends, the chime was erected on site from prepared components in front of approximately 100 onlookers. The chime is dedicated to Ranaga's late father, Ignatz Farbiarz, a Holocaust Survivor.

"The six metal pipes are tuned in an Oriental pentatonic scale, like the black keys on a piano, with the longest and shortest tubes emitting notes an octave apart. The deepest toned tube is 20 feet (6.1 m) long and "sounds like a combination Cathedral Bell, Tibetan Singing Bowl and Jet engine." The shortest is 14 feet (4.3 m) and has a rich Cathedral-like sound. The overall length of the chime is 35 feet 10 inches (10.92 m), easily beating the previous record of 16 feet 8 inches (5.08 m)

"The instrument is made from four-inch (102 mm) diameter, thick-walled aluminum tubing. The total weight of the chime is 653 pounds with the musical tubing alone weighing 310 pounds. The 6-foot (1.8 m) by 8-foot (2.4 m) wooden pyramidal shaped top weighs 225 pounds. The center hung circular wood knocker is 3' 6" in diameter and weighs 64 pounds. A 4-foot (1.2 m) long by 2-foot (0.61 m) wide Celestial Wind Dervish which Ranaga makes out of recycled local and imported woods is used as the windcatcher and weighs 18 pounds. The down rods and miscellaneous hardware weigh 36 pounds." (

World’s Largest Windchimes: world record in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

"With their claim of largeness certified by Guinness, Celestial Windz, a wind chimes store, features tuned wind chimes almost 36 feet long. Reported now indoors, defeating natural wind chiming claims, if you ask us," the Roadside America says.

"Closed. Well, technically, the wind chimes have been moved inside and you have to make an appointment to see them. So....yeah. Closed.

"On Highway 23 just to the south of Eureka Springs, Arkansas, is the World's Largest Tuned Musical Wind Chimes located in the parking lot of The Celestial Windz Harmonic Bizaar. Proclaimed "The Herald on the Southern Gateway of Eureka Springs," the chimes consist of six tuned pipes up to 35 feet 10 inches long. That's almost 36 feet! Lovingly crafted by "Master Wind Chime Artist" Ranaga Farbiarz, the colossus was officially listed in the Guinness Book of World's Records in 2006."

World’s Largest Windchimes: world record in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

"Eureka Springs has long been a haven for artists. In 2005 one of those artists gave the town a new claim to fame. Wind chime artist, Ranaga Farbiarz, erected the “World’s Largest Tuned Musical Wind Chime” in honor of his late father Ignatz Farbiarz, a survivor of the Holocaust," the Arsenic and Old Lace Bed and Breakfast says.

"It is located in the parking area of Celestial Windz Harmonic Bizaar, just south of Eureka Springs, and was erected with the help of a bucket truck and a 100-foot-tall oak tree. Its dimensions are 8 feet tall by 6 feet across.  

"As the centerpiece of the Harmonic Bizaar, it is available for free public viewing and hearing during regular gallery hours. The chime was listed in the 2006 Guinnes Book of Records. Definitely not to be missed!"

World’s Largest Windchimes: world record in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

"“Home of the World’s Largest Tuned Musical Wind Chime.” 36 ft of musical grandeur hanging in a majestic oak!," the Inn Eureka Springs says.

"Inside– you’ll be shopping for tuned musical windchimes, bells, gongs, singing bowls, art glass, home decor and more."

World’s Largest Windchimes: world record in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

"Celestial Windz Harmonic Bizaar was a roadside attraction whose 37-ft.-tall Celestial Wind Carillon made the Guinness Book of World Records for being the world’s largest tuned musical wind chime. The chime was hung in a tree in 2004 and a deck built around it," the Eureka Springs Independent says.

"“I would get a lot of people stopping to ring the chime, but it really didn’t help get people in the building,” Ranaga, who moved to Eureka Springs in 1977, said. “It kind of amazed me. We were trying to make the shop into an attraction so people would come in and look at our other offerings. In truth, there was not enough of a variety of things people wanted. They were really interested in the big chime, but that was about it. So, I kept traveling and doing renaissance fairs where I sold musical wind chimes, musical bells and bell mobiles.”

"In 2015, the tree that held up the Celestial Wind Carillon died and the wind chime was moved inside the shop into a tower specially constructed for it."

World’s Largest Windchimes: world record in Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Reviews from TripAdvisor

"We stopped because we were staying nearby and every time we passed we thought "we need to see that". (Last year on a trip to Ohio, everything was "the biggest" and it became a joke to see that kind of attraction.) The artist has apparently moved to somewhere in the northeast and his daughter is running the store, but after a conversation on the phone with him we found out she is often at art festivals. The chime is there, but it is inside the building and without her there we could only look through a small window to see it. (From the outside you can see the top of it where it hangs inside one of the "spires" on the building.)

"It was an interesting sight but not much else. The young lady in the building was stocking shelves but was pleasant to talk to and very informative. However it wasn't worth the cost to see it."

"So this is a really big, tuned wind chime. If you like wind chimes, then stop and see it. If you like checking off the list of "the biggest" stuff that you've seen, stop and see it. Other reviewers show a photo of the chime hanging outside. This has changed; it is now indoors, hanging atop a tower that rises up through the building. Admission depends on whether the curator happens to be on site, which is a toss of the dice."

"Great fun. Especially if you love any kind of music. The chimes are pleasing to the spirit. Give it a try."

World’s Largest Windchimes: Eureka Springs, Arkansas

Celestial Windz

Address: 381 Highway 23 South, Eureka Springs, AR, United States, Arkansas

Directions: Celestial Windz, 1.2 miles south of hwy 62 on Hwy 23 south of Eureka Springs.

Facebook: Celestial Windz Harmonic Bizaar

Hours: Sept. 2016: moved indoors, seen only by appt.

Phone: +1 479-981-3288

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