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World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa

June 9, 2023
World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa

Des Moines, Iowa, United States--Made from aluminum, fiber-reinforced plastic, and steel, the giant garden trowel (named "Plantoir,") installed on the campus of the Meredith Corporation in Des Moines, Iowa, was built by artists Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen; it's over 23 feet tall and weighs 2300 pounds, setting the world record for the World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa

"The world’s largest garden trowel was originally exhibited on the Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden at Metropolitan Museum of Art in Manhattan, New York in 2002. Today, the big dibble lives on the campus of the Meredith Corporation (a media company that owns magazines, television stations, websites, and radio stations) in Des Moines, the capital of Iowa.

"It was installed in honor of the company’s 100th anniversary, a fitting tribute as their flagship publication was Better Homes and Gardens magazine. The giant garden tool lives outside in a great open green area (right near Pappajohn Sculpture Park), just waiting to dig in and help others, big or small, to tend to their gardens," the Silly America says.

"Made from aluminum, fiber-reinforced plastic, and steel, the giant garden trowel is a fine example of modern Pop Art, and a must-see roadside attraction when visiting Des Moines."

World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa

"Dotdash Meredith is the largest digital and print publisher in America. From mobile to magazines, nearly 200 million people trust us to help them make decisions, take action, and find inspiration," the Catch Des Moines says.

"Dotdash Meredith’s over 40 iconic brands include PEOPLE, Better Homes & Gardens, Verywell, FOOD & WINE, The Spruce, Allrecipes, Byrdie, REAL SIMPLE, Investopedia, and Southern Living. Dotdash Meredith is based in New York City and is an operating business of IAC (NASDAQ: IAC)."

World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa

"Downtown Des Moines is home to a giant outdoor garden trowel. Named "Plantoir," it was built by artists Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen in 2001. It's over 23 feet tall and weighs 2300 pounds. It was purchased by the Meredith Corporation (which publishes Better Homes and Gardens magazine) and is just west of their office building," the Roadside America says.

"23 feet tall, with its blade stuck into plant-friendly Iowa dirt. Sculpture by Claes Oldenburg (1929-2022) and Coosje van Bruggen.

World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa

"This whimsical, oversize gardener’s trowel titled “Plantoir” created by artists Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen, was designed specifically for outdoor viewing in a garden setting," the Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation says.

"The brilliant red digging tool is an exaggeration in form and color. It is more than 23-feet tall and weighs 2,300 pounds, and is designed to withstand winds up to 120 miles per hour. It is sited at the west entrance to downtown Des Moines, on the grounds of Meredith Corporation.

"Fabricated from aluminum, fiber-reinforced plastic and steel in 2001, Plantoir was exhibited in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Roof Garden in Manhattan from May to November, 2002.

It was purchased by Meredith Corporation to commemorate its 100th anniversary—as one of the nation’s leading media and marketing companies internationally acclaimed for gardening through its flagship publication, Better Homes and Gardens."

World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa

"The World’s Largest Garden Trowel can be found just west of the Meredith Corporation (Better Homes and Gardens magazine publishers) office building in Des Moines, Iowa," the Iowa PBS says.

"Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen built the 2,300 pound trowel in 2001, and it stands at a whopping 23 feet tall."

World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa

"Installed by Neumann Brothers, "Plantoir" was moved from the The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York in New York City to downtown Des Moines, Iowa in 2004 to celebrate Meredith's 100th anniversary! The grandiose sculpture stands 24 feet high, weighs 2,300 pounds, and can withstand winds of 120 miles per hour," the Neumann Brothers Inc. says.

"In addition to celebrating the publishing firm's centennial anniversary, "Plantoir" also commemorates Meredith's role in their iconic Better Homes and Garden magazine."

World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa

"Oldenburg created some of the world’s most recognizable pop art – including the Spoonbridge and Cherry in Minneapolis and the nine-story tall Batcolumn in Chicago," the WHO13 says.

"Iowans will recognize two of his works in the metro – Plantoir, a large red garden trowel outside of Meredith’s Des Moines offices, and Crusoe Umbrella, the massive green umbrella at Cowles Commons."

World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa

Reviews from Yelp

"I dig it.. If you know what I mean! I'm so glad this was added to Yelp in the local flavor. This is one of my favorite sculptures in town, I love this epic hand shovel. I'm not a gardener but if I was I would dig having this tool in my box! I love how this greats you on locust, if you are traveling from the airport to the capital! Makes you say welcome to Des Moines, lets get digging and grow something together!"

"Unlike many kitschy larger-than-life artifacts, the trowel is a work of art. The sculpture ("Plantoir", 2001) was created by internationally known artists Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen. It is a striking (and apropos) landmark marking the western edge of Meredith Corporation's (publisher of Better Homes and Gardens magazine) campus, and easily seen as you drive into, or out of, downtown via Locust and Grand Avenue respectively.

"To stop and inspect the sculpture up close, you can take advantage of the limited meter parking on 17th Street, or better yet, park on 15th Street. Once you've checked out the trowel, you can visit the excellent Pappajohn Sculpture Park."

"Installed on the campus of Meredith Corporation in honor of their 100th anniversary, the 23-foot-tall Giant Garden Trowel (formal name: Plaintoir) is a fitting nod to the company's Better Homes and Gardens magazine," the Travel Iowa says.

Photos: World's Largest Garden Trowel Sculpture: world record in Des Moines, Iowa
Catch Des Moines

(2) Mapping the Magazine


(4) Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundati/Meredith Corporation Collection, Des Moines

(5) Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation/Meredith Corporation Collection, Des Moines

(6) The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

(7) Neumann Brothers Inc.

(8) YouTube/Greater Des Moines Partnership


(10) Photographs in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division. Purchase; Carol M. Highsmith Photography, Inc.; 2016; (DLC/PP-2016:103-1).

World's Largest Garden Trowel: Des Moines, Iowa

Plantoir Sculpture: Giant Garden Trowel

Address: 1749 Locust St., Des Moines, IA (down the street from Pappajohn Sculpture Park)

Directions: West edge of downtown. On the north side of Locust St. just west of its intersection with 17th St.

Admission: Free to See

Hours: Always Visible

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