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World’s Largest Chimney Sweep Sculpture: world record in McPherson, Kansas

June 29, 2023
World’s Largest Chimney Sweep Sculpture: world record in McPherson, Kansas

McPherson, Kansas, United States--In McPherson, Kansas, United States, a giant chimney sweep on the side of the road;
formerly a baker holding a wooden spoon, the huge chimney sweep was bought and renovated by Vaughn Juhnk, the former owner of Chimney and Stone in McPherson; the giant sculpture sets the world record for being the World’s Largest Chimney Sweep Sculpture, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

World’s Largest Chimney Sweep Sculpture: world record in McPherson, Kansas

"In McPherson, Kansas, the largest chimney sweep in the world stands on the side of the road. The huge chimney sweep was formerly a baker holding a wooden spoon, but the [former] owner of a chimney sweep company, Vaughn Juhnke, bought and renovated it," the High’s Chimney Service says.

"A common tale is that chimney sweeps got their top hats and tails as cast-offs thrown out by funeral directors. Being black in color, the garments were practical; and they gave a distinctive air to chimney sweeps in their filthy but necessary professions.

"One legend is that in about 1066 King William of Britain was pushed to safety by a chimney sweep as a runaway horse and carriage barreled toward him. The king rewarded the chimney sweep by declaring sweeps lucky and allowing chimney sweeps to wear top hats, which had previously been a custom reserved for the gentry and royalty."

World’s Largest Chimney Sweep Sculpture: world record in McPherson, Kansas

"Large Chimney sweep on the side of I-135 between Wichita and McPherson Kansas. Used to be a large baker with a wooden spoon poised in front of a greasy spoon in McPherson, KS. Bought and renovated into a chimney sweep a couple of years ago.

"Since the Happy Chef is rapidly disappearing, I was gratified to find one reborn as a chimney sweep at M.P. 54/55 on I-135 in Kansas - just south of McPherson and near a turn-off to a place called Elyria," the Roadside America says.

"The Happy Chef is looking good on I-135 South. Seems to enjoy his new career as a chimney sweep."

World’s Largest Chimney Sweep Sculpture: world record in McPherson, Kansas

"Largest Chimney Sweep in the World

"Standing on the side of the road in McPherson, Kansas, is the largest chimney sweep on the planet," the Northeastern Chimney says.

"Formerly a baker holding a wooden spoon, the huge chimney sweep was bought and renovated by Vaughn Juhnk, the owner of a chimney sweep company."

World’s Largest Chimney Sweep Sculpture: world record in McPherson, Kansas

"The first Happy Chef Restaurant opened in Mankato, Minnesota, in 1963. The chain expanded to 56 restaurants, including one in McPherson. The 30-foot-tall Happy Chef stood outside, holding a spoon. Push a button, and the chef talked," the Roxie on the Road says.

"On July 8, 1999, the McPherson Sentinel announced the restaurant’s impending demise. Upset McPherson residents worried about the chef’s plans.

"Chimney and Stone in McPherson accepted the chef’s application to become a chimney sweep. In 2000, he took up his place on I-135 south of McPherson, where he remains today."

World’s Largest Chimney Sweep Sculpture: world record in McPherson, Kansas

"A chimney sweep is a person who clears soot and creosote from chimneys. The chimney uses the pressure difference caused by a hot column of gas to create a draught and draw air over the hot coals or wood enabling continued combustion. Chimneys may be straight or contain many changes of direction. During normal operation, a layer of creosote builds up on the inside of the chimney, restricting the flow. The creosote can also catch fire, setting the chimney (and potentially the entire building) alight. The chimney must be swept to remove the soot.

"Today, chimney sweeps are still operating, as venting systems for coal, heating oil, natural gas, and wood- and pellet-burning appliances need to be maintained. There is a greater understanding of the dangers of flue deposits and carbon monoxide and gases from combustion. The standard chimney brush is still used, along with more modern tools (such as vacuum cleaners, cameras, and special chimney cleaning tools)

"Most modern chimney sweeps are professionals, and are usually trained to diagnose and repair hazards along with maintenance such as removal of flammable creosote, firebox and damper repair, and smoke chamber repair. Some sweeps also offer more complicated repairs such as flue repair and relining, crown repair, and tuckpointing or rebuilding of masonry chimneys and cement crowns." (

World’s Largest Chimney Sweep Sculpture: world record in McPherson, Kansas

World’s Largest Chimney Sweep: McPherson, Kansas

Address: I-135, McPherson, KS

Directions: I-135, southbound side, between mileposts 57 and 56

Photos: World’s Largest Chimney Sweep Sculpture: world record in McPherson, Kansas
Highsmith, Carol M. / Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C.

(2) Unrefined Vegan

(3) The Esteem Production Blog

(4-7) Roadside Architecture

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