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World’s Largest Sticker Ball: world record in Longmont, Colorado

April 12, 2023
World’s Largest Sticker Ball: world record in Longmont, Colorado

 Longmont, Colorado, United States--Starting with a small batch of balled up stickers, Saul the Sticker Ball grew to a record holding size in a matter of months; when it was unveiled the ball weighed 231.6 pounds and had a circumference of 8.8 feet, thus setting the world record for being the World’s Largest Sticker Ball, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

World’s Largest Sticker Ball: world record in Longmont, Colorado

"Starting with a small batch of balled up stickers, Saul the Sticker Ball grew to a record holding size in a matter of months. He went home with employees for weekend field trips with the goal of growing even larger, and we all learned tricks along the way in the secrets of building a giant Sticker Ball. This included learning how to make sticker patches, perfecting the rounding roll of

"Saul around the shop to keep his shape, and even working in small teams to competitively build Saul's size. Through all of this, Saul also became a celebrity in his own way with public appearances and starring at events encouraging people from all around to come and slap some stickers on him, and help him grow. In fact, Saul became an even bigger celebrity than any of us could have imagined, with national media attention on USA Today and Late Night with Seth Myers.

"Now, Saul the Sticker Ball is the greeter here at StickerGiant and loves it when people stop by to slap their name on the ball and help him to keep growing. He also likes to get out to fun events that StickerGiant is involved with and loves to ride in his wagon for these occasions," the official website says.

World’s Largest Sticker Ball: world record in Longmont, Colorado

"When it was unveiled in early 2016 the ball weighed 231.6 pounds and had a circumference of 8.8 feet. Visitors are encouraged to stop by on Fridays to slap on their stickers and add to the ball's largeness," the Roadside America reports.

"Saul the Sticker Ball is now open for visitors at 855 Weaver Park Road, across the street from the main StickerGiant factory.

"You can now sign up for an official tour of StickerGiant, home of Saul the World's Largest Sticker Ball. The tour takes place almost every Friday at 2 pm, and each one starts by meeting Saul. So much fun to see how stickers are made, and meeting the people that helped the World's Largest Sticker Ball become a reality."

World’s Largest Sticker Ball: world record in Longmont, Colorado

"Weighing in at 231 pounds and 9.6 ounces, the world’s largest sticker ball is heavier than the average human being. It has a name, too: “Saul.” The name’s a reference to the “Breaking Bad” character Saul Goodman, spun off from the ball’s former nickname, “SG,” short for “Sticker Giant.” the Atlas Obscura reports.

"The giant sticker ball began as a just a handful of balled up stickers, and grew and grew from there. Started by the folks at the StickerGiant labels company in Longmont, Colorado, there were plenty of leftover stickers around to feed Saul, and good thing, because it took tens of thousands of these lightweight labels to grow Saul to its record-winning weight.

"The ball is now located in the StickerGiant lobby, where it is constantly growing. Visitors are encouraged to add to the already considerable heft of the ball with freely available stickers."

World’s Largest Sticker Ball: world record in Longmont, Colorado

"What began as a wad of old stickers quickly morphed into a 231 pound, 9.6-ounce monster, that was created by the folks at StickerGiant and is currently housed in the lobby of their headquarters in Colorado," the Only In Your State reports.

"According to StickerGiant, Saul "went home with employees for weekend field trips with the goal of growing even larger, and we all learned tricks along the way in the secrets of building a giant Sticker Ball," including how to make sticker patches and roll the ball to keep its perfect shape.

"Named after Saul Goodman (a la "Breaking Bad" and "Better Call Saul" fame), Saul has been showcased in USA Today and on NBC's "Late Night with Seth Myers," and has received countless stickers from people around the world."

World’s Largest Sticker Ball: world record in Longmont, Colorado

World’s Largest Sticker Ball: Longmont, Colorado

Address: 855 Weaver Park Rd, Longmont, CO 80501, United States

Directions: Inside the Sticker Giant building. East side of town. From 3rd Ave. turn south at the stoplight onto Martin St., then quickly turn left onto E. Rogers Rd. Drive about a mile, past the storage facility on the left, then turn left onto Weaver Park Rd. Sticker Giant is the first building on the right, but the Sicker Ball is displayed across the street.

Hours: F 10-2 (Call to verify) Local health policies may affect hours and access.

Facebook: StickerGiant

Phone: 866-774-7900

Coordinates: 40.1622, -105.0751

website: World's Largest Sticker Ball

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