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World's Largest Pipe Organ: world record in Atlantic City, New Jersey

March 29, 2023
World's Largest Pipe Organ: world record in Atlantic City, New Jersey

Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States--The Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ, the pipe organ in the Main Auditorium of the Boardwalk Hall (formerly known as the Atlantic City Convention Hall) in Atlantic City, New Jersey, built by the Midmer-Losh Organ Company, has officially 33,113 pipes, setting the world record for being the World's Largest Pipe Organ, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

"The Midmer-Losh Pipe Organ has more than 33,110 pipes in 449 ranks and weighs approximately 150 tons. It is one of the largest musical instruments ever built, with eight organ chambers and nine 32-foot stops, which are pieces that control the amount of pressurized air entering the pipe chamber," the Jersey's Best reports.

"The biggest console of the organ has seven manuals, or keyboards, and over 1,200 stop-keys complete with orchestral instruments, like the flute and violin. It has undergone maintenance to restore it to its original ability because some of the organs became non-operational.

World's Largest Pipe Organ: world record in Atlantic City, New Jersey

"Known to the world as the largest pipe organ ever constructed, the Jim Whelan Boardwalk Hall Pipe Organ took three years (1929-1932) to build and weighs over 150 tons. Built by Midmer-Losh, Inc., it cost between $450,000 and $500,000" the Atlantic City Experience reports.

"The official total number of pipes is 33,112 but the actual number is unknown. The number of pipes in the instrument's contract, when signed, was 29,524 but that figure rose as stops were added during construction to 32,205. An early description of the instrument mentions up to 33,111 pipes, and a thesis written on the pipe organ lists 32,928 – a figure that's probably attributable to City Organist Arthur Scott Brook. The Encyclopedia of the American Theatre Organ states 32,967 pipes. It’s safe to say there are more than 32,000 pipes.

"The pipes are metal (lead, tin, or zinc) or wood (sugar pine or fir). The largest pipe is a diaphone pipe in a Dulzian reed stop, 64-feet long producing the CCCCC. It is 27”x27” square at the open end, the walls are 3” thick, made of sugar pine, and it weighs 3,350 pounds. It bends in an L-shape in order to fit in the chamber. The smallest pipe is 3/16 inch in diameter and 7 inches long and is made of lead or tin. From the mouth (speaking hole) of this pipe to the top is only ½ inch. Many of the pipes were made on-site in an organ shop set up for the project."

World's Largest Pipe Organ: world record in Atlantic City, New Jersey

"The world’s largest pipe organ, based on the number of pipes, is the Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ in Atlantic City. The Midmer-Losh Pipe Organ has more than 33,110 pipes in 449 ranks and weighs approximately 150 tons. It is one of the largest musical instruments ever built, with eight organ chambers and nine 32-foot stops, which are pieces that control the amount of pressurized air entering the pipe chamber," the Jersey's Best reports.

"The biggest console of the organ has seven manuals, or keyboards, and over 1,200 stop-keys complete with orchestral instruments, like the flute and violin. It has undergone maintenance to restore it to its original ability because some of the organs became non-operational.

"Another world record surrounding this organ is The Grand Ophicleide, the loudest organ stop in the world. Its noise is eardrum shattering, producing over 130 decibels — six times louder than a train whistle."

World's Largest Pipe Organ: world record in Atlantic City, New Jersey

"Atlantic City's Boardwalk Hall is home to the world's largest pipe organ with well over 33,000 pipes. According to The Guinness Book of World Records, it's the loudest organ stop in the world and its "ear-splitting volume" is "six times louder than the loudest locomotive whistle"! - the Roadside America reports.

"The huge Boardwalk Hall organ has multiple staircases and over 33,000 pipes. You can climb into some of the biggest ones. Nicknamed, "The Sonic Mount Rushmore."

"You can take an awesome guided tour where they allow you to climb in and out of the chambers -- and if you are lucky, play a few notes!

World's Largest Pipe Organ: world record in Atlantic City, New Jersey

"The Boardwalk Hall Auditorium Organ is the pipe organ in the Main Auditorium of the Boardwalk Hall (formerly known as the Atlantic City Convention Hall) in Atlantic City, New Jersey, built by the Midmer-Losh Organ Company. It is the largest organ in the world, as measured by the number of pipes (officially 33,113, but the exact number is unknown).

"The main auditorium is 487×288×137 feet (148×88×42 m) with a floor area of 140,000 square feet (13,000 m2), giving a volume of 5,500,000 cubic feet (160,000 m3). Consequently, the organ runs on much higher wind pressures than most organs in order to achieve a volume loud enough to fill the hall.

"The organ has four entries in Guinness World Records, including largest pipe organ ever constructed, largest musical instrument ever constructed, and loudest musical instrument ever constructed, and holds several records in the organ world. It is one of only two organs in the world to have an open 64-foot rank, and the only organ to have stops voiced on 100 inches of wind pressure (about 3.6 psi). Its console features seven manuals." (

World's Largest Pipe Organ: world record in Atlantic City, New Jersey

Testimonials from TripAdvisor

"This organ holds 4 world records - largest musical instrument, largest pipe organ, loudest pipe organ, first organ in the world to have stops voiced on 100” of wind pressure This tour was then followed by a 30-minute concert. We wanted to donate to the restoration project after learning so much about it."

"There is a HUGE HUGE HUGE Midmer-Losh Organ in the Convention Hall. It is the largest organ in the world, as measured by the number of pipes (officially 33,112, but the exact number might be more.) If you love pipe organ.. this is the place you must see!!!"

"Next time you are in Atlantic City over the summer months- you must go to hear the largest organ in the world. It is just tremendous. They give free concerts at noon every day and free tours. What a treat!"

"They give tours and a concert of the pipe organ around noon on weekdays, the organist himself lead our tour. He has a passion for the organ and building and really passes that on to you. We were impressed with the tour and the whole idea of the building was built for the organ. We went into the back behind the stage to see some of the "guts" of it. Really very cool!"

World's Largest Pipe Organ: world record in Atlantic City, New Jersey

World's Largest Pipe Organ: Atlantic City, New Jersey

Address: 2301 Boardwalk, Atlantic City, NJ

Directions: Boardwalk Hall. On the ocean between Boardwalk and Pacific Ave. just south of S. Mississippi Ave.

Facebook: Pipe Organs of Boardwalk Hall Atlantic City

Hours: Two-hour tours, alternating Tuesdays each month, 10 AM (Call to verify) Local health policies may affect hours and access.

Phone: 609-348-7000

Admission: Free, donations welcomed


Related world records:

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UNITED STATES world records
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