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World's Largest Kokopelli: world record in Camp Verde, Arizona

March 6, 2023
World's Largest Kokopelli: world record in Camp Verde, Arizona

Camp Verde, Arizona, United States--A giant Kokopelli sculpture, (a Navajo icon typically shown playing a flute), sits in front of a souvenir shop off of I-17, in Camp Verde, Arizona, created in an effort to lure travelers and tourists in to the parking lot of the Trading Post; the large sculpture stands 32 feet tall, sits atop a six-foot base, is painted yellow, costed more than $25,000 back then and sets the world record for being the World's Largest Kokopelli, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

Photos: (1) Ken Lund, Reno/Wikimedia  (2) CogDog/Wikipedia  (3) AZ Cities Work (4) MapQuest

World's Largest Kokopelli: world record in Camp Verde, Arizona

"A 32-foot-tall sign of the Navajo Indian God of Wealth and Fertility stands in front of the former Krazy Kokopelli Trading Post (now a coffee shop and Mexican restaurant). "World's Largest Kokopelli" is on its base," the Roadside America reports.

"The Trading Post has been reappropriated as a Starbucks and Mexican restaurant, but Kokopelli still proudly plays his flute out front.

"The world's largest Kokopelli now stands in front of a tiny strip mall that houses a drive-thru Starbucks and a Verizon wireless store. The Kokopelli gift shop is still there, and the Kokopelli statue was freshly painted."

World's Largest Kokopelli: world record in Camp Verde, Arizona

"Located off of I-17, in Camp Verde, the World’s Largest Kokopelli sits in front of a souvenir shop luring travelers and tourists in to the parking lot of the Trading Post," the AZ Cities Work reports.

"The giant statue is made from hand shaped and welded steel. Lowell Johnson, then owner of what at the time was the Montezuma Trading Post, came up with the idea to build the kokpelli. Prior to the kokopelli sat a hot pink 1920’s automobile in effort to attract tourists. Johnson, a local business man, and owner of the Oak Creek Terrace Resort, brought in an experienced blacksmith/artist and sketched out the design right on the sales counter.

"Made of 1/4 inch plate steel, the hand shaping and welding of the structure took weeks as the 12 cubic yard cement foundation cured. The statue’s instrument houses a speaker that plays music to visitors at they shop. By the end of the project, it had cost more than $25,000. For a while, there was a price tag hung in the event an interested buyer came along."

World's Largest Kokopelli: world record in Camp Verde, Arizona

"The world’s largest kokopelli, commonly known as “that big flute player,” has been leaning over and giving silent performances in front of the Krazy Kokopelli Trading Post here for more than 20 years. The large sculpture stands 32 feet tall, sits atop a six-foot base and is painted yellow, so he’s probably one of the main reasons tourists stop to check out the variety of goods offered inside," the Arizona Oddities reports.

"Lowell Johnson, one of the store owners when the kokopelli was erected, said that it was the world’s largest and nobody has disputed his claim since. It’s made of welded steel, cost $25,000 and weighs about five and one-half tons. It took Gerry Berg Sr. and his son, Gerry Jr., about 45 days to create and erect it. Major flute players will find the giant musician just east of Interstate 17 in Camp Verde."

"The idea is that of Lowell Johnson, the then owner of what at the time was the Montezuma Trading Post. Prior to the kokopelli, there sat a hot pink 1920's automobile to lure travelers in. Johnson, a local business man and owner of the Oak Creek Terrace Resort brought in an experienced blacksmith/artist and sketched out the design right on the sales counter.

"Made of 1/4 inch plate steel, the hand shaping and welding of the structure took weeks as the 12 cubic yard cement foundation cured. The statues instrument houses a speaker that plays music to visitors at they shop. At the end of the project, the cost passed $25,000. For a while, there was a price tag hung in the event an interested buyer happened along."

Source: World's Largest Things

Testimonials from Tripadvisor

"Kokopelli represents the SW, so this was perfect. Easy pull off and back on the highway. Great place to stretch your legs and get a pic."

"This Kokopelli is not to be missed if you are a fan of his....He stands tall and proud for all to see..."

World's Largest Kokopelli: Camp Verde, Arizona

Address: 1620 West Highway 260, Camp Verde, AZ

Directions: I-17 exit 287, then drive south one block on Finnie Flat Rd. On the left

Coordinates: N 34° 34.524 W 111° 52.930  | 12S E 419086 N 3826311

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