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World's Longest Curling Game, world record in Fredericton, Canada

December 9, 2023
World's Longest Curling Game, world record in Fredericton, Canada

Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada-- A Group of 10 curlers from the Capital Winter Club in Fredericton, New Brunswich, Canada, curled for 120 Hours 3 minutes and 8.80 seconds; they played 383 Ends with the blue team winning by a score of 430 to 207, while raising over $200,000 for Youth Mental Health in process, and set the world record for the Longest Curling Game, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

World's Longest Curling Game, world record in Fredericton, Canada

"A group of Fredericton curlers officially beat the Guinness world record for longest curling game Friday after more than four days — 105 hours — on the ice. The Capital Winter Club began the challenge Monday, with the goal of playing for a total of 120 hours to raise money for youth mental health services in the city. As of 8 p.m. Friday, the group had raised $160,874," the CBC says.

"The money will be distributed to high schools in Fredericton to create sensory rooms that help reduce anxiety and to the Family Enrichment and Counselling Service. Club manager Jaime Watson said conversations to arrange this event began after Lexi Daken, a Grade 10 student at Leo Hayes High School, died by suicide in February of this year.

"Steve Burns, co-organizer of the event and one of 10 curlers who participated, said New Brunswick and surrounding provinces are lacking in terms of mental health services for youth and it's important that young people get the support they need."

World's Longest Curling Game, world record in Fredericton, Canada

"A group of curlers in Fredericton, N.B. who recently beat the Guinness World Record for the longest curling game are now setting a new goal for themselves. The ten players from Capital Winter Club – a curling club in Fredericton – achieved their worldly goal on Friday, after being on the ice for 120-hours. The previous world record was held by a group in Ontario where they played for 105 hours, 6 minutes, and 51 seconds," the CTV News Atlantic says.

"Now, the group is turning their attention to their fundraising efforts, which they hope will help reduce wait times for youth mental health services. So far, they've raised $210,000.

" "For Family Enrichment, it means that we are going to be able to help so many kids for quite a long time. It's amazing. It's very emotional,” said Leentje Deleuil, executive director Family Enrichment and Counselling Service, Inc. “We apply for grants from the government and unfortunately, there was not a lot of results there, so this initiative is a miracle."

World's Longest Curling Game, world record in Fredericton, Canada

"The Guinness world record held by curlers from Ontario currently stands at just over 105 hours and the Fredericton group's goal is to make it to 120 hours. They also want to raise $1,000 each hour, or $120,000 total, said the club's manager Jaime Watson," the CBC says.

"A couple of our members were out curling and thought, 'What better way to celebrate [the club's] 60th year anniversary, than to attempt to beat the Guinness world record and raise a bunch of money for mental health in the process,'" Watson said.

"Watson said the money will be distributed to high schools in Fredericton to create sensory rooms that help reduce anxiety and to the Family Enrichment and Counselling Service. She said the funding will be divided between each recipient "according to need."

"A group of Fredericton curlers officially beat the Guinness world record for longest curling game Friday after more than four days — 105 hours — on the ice. The Capital Winter Club began the challenge Monday, with the goal of playing for a total of 120 hours to raise money for youth mental health services in the city," the CBC says.

"The money will be distributed to high schools in Fredericton to create sensory rooms that help reduce anxiety and to the Family Enrichment and Counselling Service. Club manager Jaime Watson said conversations to arrange this event began after Lexi Daken, a Grade 10 student at Leo Hayes High School, died by suicide in February of this year.

"Steve Burns, co-organizer of the event and one of 10 curlers who participated, said New Brunswick and surrounding provinces are lacking in terms of mental health services for youth and it's important that young people get the support they need."

"We don’t necessarily brag about our accomplishments, but we are a confident city. We have the confidence to set out and achieve great things. We definitely have a can-do spirit that sets us apart and we punch above our weight over and over again," the Fredericton Mayor Kate Rogers says.

"Case in point, the effort two weeks ago by members of the Capital Winter Club to break a Guinness World Record for the longest marathon curling game. A noble effort on its own but, in addition to this goal, organizers decided to raise funds in support of youth mental health in the Greater Fredericton area.

"In the end, they curled for 120 hours, eight minutes and three seconds, breaking the record by about 15 hours. They also raised more than $200,000 in support of youth mental health services."

"A Group of 10 curlers from the Capital Winter Club in Fredericton, NB curler for 120 Hours 3 minutes and 8.80 seconds. They played 383 Ends with the blue team winning by a score of 430 to 207," says Club manager Jaime Watson.

"On the Blue Team was Wayne Tallon, Stephen Muzzerall, Chris Billings, Geoff Mabey and Tyson Flinn.

"On the Yellow Team was; Steven Burns, Chris Schnare, Kevin Larlee, Mike Jennings and Paula Emery. The group raised over $200,000 for Youth Mental Health in process."

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