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World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

November 3, 2023
World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

North Alamogordo, New Mexico, United States--After a lifetime building his New Mexico pistachio farm, also known as PistachioLand, Alamogordo nut salesman Tom McGinn was memorialized with a roadside advertisement; the giant pistachio monument stands 30-feet tall and was constructed using over five yards of concrete and 35 gallons of paint; it sets the world record for being the World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

"It started as a humble tribute from a son to his father. From there, it developed a measure of celebrity and in some ports of call, evolved into a "destination" in it's own right," the official website says.

"Tim McGinn, owner of the pistachio ranch, said he wanted to "honor the memory of his father, Tom McGinn, who originally founded the pistachio and grape-producing farm." The World's Largest Pistachio was built in 2007 and is a registered trademark."

World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

"After a lifetime building his New Mexico pistachio farm, also known as PistachioLand, Alamogordo nut salesman Tom McGinn was memorialized with a roadside advertisement that now draws tourists from all over the country," the Atlas Obscura says.

"The World’s Largest Pistachio stands 30-feet tall and was constructed using over five yards of concrete and 35 gallons of paint to give the enormous green nut a strangely real look. Like many oversized items littering the world’s highways, the pistachio is there mainly to lure motorists into the McGinn’s Pistachio Tree Ranch and Winery Gift Shop.

"Unsurprisingly, there are a number of exotic, pistachio-based products for sale like chili-chocolate pistachio brittle and homemade pistachio milkshakes– although nothing is as priceless as taking a “nutty” photo under the giant snack."

World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

"The World's Largest Pistachio was built in honor of PistachioLand's founder, Thomas McGinn. After his passing in 2008, his son, Timothy McGinn erected this 30 foot sculpture in memory of his father," the Alamogordo NM True says.

"Tim wanted everyone who passed by PistachioLand to take note of what his dad created, a 111 acre pistachio orchard and vineyard, started from bare desert land in 1980.

"From the first trees planted to today, PistachioLand now is home to over 12,000 pistachio trees and 14 acres of wine grapes, McGinn's Country Store and Arena Blanca Winery."

World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

"This World’s Largest Pistachio monument stands 30 feet tall by the entrance of McGinn’s pistachio orchard. You can easily see it from the highway. When we arrived there, the first thing we did was take pictures of the monument," the Two Worlds Treasures says.

"Then we went inside the gift shop and enjoyed all kinds of free samples of pistachio. They were delicious, and we bought two bags of chocolate-covered pistachio and cookies for snacks on the road. They also offered Motorized Farm Tours, where they take visitors to tour the pistachio orchards and vineyards.

"During the tour, you will learn about the McGinn family farming history and information about growing and harvesting pistachios and wine grapes. The tour runs for about 30 minutes, but too bad we didn’t have time to do it."

World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

"The McGinn family started their 90 acre pistachio orchard in 1980. Today, the orchard contains over 12,500 trees. 14 acres of grapes are also grown at Pistachio Tree Ranch and 18 different varieties of wine are made at McGinn's Arena Blanca Winery on site. In 2008, a memorial to the founder, Thomas McGinn, was built," the New Mexico Tourism Department says.

"It is a 30 foot pistachio monument and is the World's Largest Pistachio. The McGinn's operate two country stores with pistachios, pistachio candies and wines all grown and made on site. They also offer gourmet foods, souvenirs, t-shirts and ice cream.

"Guests are able to shop, tour the orchard, enjoy free samples of wine and pistachios, and of course, get their picture taken with the World's Largest Pistachio. Open daily 10-5. Free winetasting and sales begin at 10 a.m. daily. Tours run at the top of each hour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. every day, weather permitting."

World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

"One could easily spend hours there. They offer tours of farm, wine tastings, ice cream and pistachios that you can taste in every flavor imaginable. If we had more storage I would have bought every, single, flavor, There wasn’t even one that wasn’t delicious! We ended up buying large bags of the salted and the garlic pistachios," The Traveling Locavores says.

"It took nut salesman Tom McGinn a lifetime to build his Alamogordo NM nut farm that he named PistachioLand. He was rewarded by being memorialized with a roadside advertisement that now draws tourists from all over the country.

"At the base of this enormous pistachio sculpture is an inscribed plaque that reads: “This monument is dedicated to the lasting memory of Thomas Michael McGinn (1929-2007), the founder of Pistachio Tree Ranch. This little slice of New Mexico desert was Ton’s canvas to create this legacy. His tireless dedication to his dream made his farm the success it is today. Tom dreamed big, expected big and accomplished big things. He would have said this monument is not big enough! His legacy lives on.”

World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

"New Mexico is home to plenty of interesting roadside attractions, however, you’ll be able to spend the whole day at this bright green roadside stop. This might be the World’s Largest Nut, but the country store and winery right next to it makes this attraction truly stand out. Crack into this statue, and learn about why you must stop on your next road trip," the Only In Your State says.

"Over five yards of concrete were used to build this statue, and over 35 gallons of paint to make it so realistic. The famous nut salesman, Tom McGinn, spent his life growing pistachios and his son dedicated this attraction to him.

"Now, while visiting this wacky roadside attraction, you can also visit the wildly popular McGinn's pistachio tree ranch. This establishment next to the pistachio is a pistachio farm, country store, and winery."

World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

"PistachioLand is a famous pitstop near Alamogordo, New Mexico. It’s home to the worlds largest pistachio and also a country store where you can buy various souvenirs, snacks, and of course pistachios. You can enjoy a refreshing treat at the ice cream parlor, partake in wine tasting, and if you have more time even go on a tour of the farm," the Upon Arriving says.

"It’s a worthwhile pitstop if you are in the area on a long road trip although for some people it’s now a primary destination. Keep reading below to find out more about this unique attraction!

"One of the most popular attractions here is the world’s largest pistachio, which stands 30-feet tall. Just in case you were wondering, this towering nut is NOT a real pistachio. Instead, it’s a large monument dedicated to the memory of Thomas Michael McGinn who passed away in 2007. He was the founder of the Pistachio Tree Ranch which is where he created his legacy in New Mexico."

World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

"The current owner of the ranch, Tim McGinn, conceived the idea as a memorial to his father, Thomas McGinn, shortly after his passing in 2007. One year later, the statue was standing proud for all to see," the Behind Every Day says.

"Pistachio trees are high desert trees that originated first in western Asia. They thrive on long, hot, dry summers and cool winters and are wind-pollinated. The climate of Alamagordo is perfect! It happened to be rainy the day we stopped by but it’s usually a hot, dry area. In America, pistachios are grown in California, New Mexico, and Arizona.

"Besides the most obvious attraction, the giant 30-foot pistachio statue, there are many things to see on a visit to McGinn’s Pistachio Tree Ranch:
   Tour the orchard and vineyard
   Feed the koi fish
   Talk to Pappy, the ole talking cowboy
   Eat ice cream
   Taste the pistachio samples
   Make a pressed penny

World’s Largest Pistachio Monument, world record in North Alamogordo, New Mexico

"The New Mexico pistachio farm, McGinn’s Pistachio Tree Ranch and Winery Gift Shop, known locally as PistachioLand, is home to a 30-foot-tall pistachio made of five yards of concrete and 35 gallons of paint. Unveiled in 2008 in Alamogorodo, New Mexico, the World’s Largest Pistachio is not only a great roadside attraction in every possible sense, it’s also a loving tribute from a son to his recently passed father.

"Built as a memorial to Tom McGinn, the founder of McGinn’s Pistachio Tree Ranch who died the previous year. The World’s Largest Pistachio mesmerizes roadside attraction enthusiasts with its bright colors and realistic likeness to an otherwise small tree nut.

"The World’s Largest Pistachio Facts:
   During its dedication, the pistachio was blessed by a priest from nearby La Luz.
   The World’s Largest Pistachio stands 30-feet tall and weighs approximately 20,500 lbs (9,300 kg).
   The World’s Largest Pistachio is not an actual pistachio.
   The pistachio stands upright on a pole anchored in nine feet deep.
   Address: 7320 US Hwy 54-70, Alamogordo, NM.
   There are a number pistachio based products for sale at PistachioLand including chili-chocolate pistachio brittle and homemade pistachio milkshakes.
   It took 35 gallons of paint to get just the right look for the pistachio.

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