Dr. Marchand performed a hysterectomy through an 11mm incision at the
bottom of the belly button using a technique called “laparoscopic
single-port hysterectomy.” Although laparoscopic hysterectomy has been
performed through a single incision before, this is the
smallest incision that it has ever been performed through.
The Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic had reported cases through a 15mm incision, which was the previous (unofficial) world record.
The patient, Mary Coble, provided the Academy with pictures of her belly
from 4 weeks after the surgery. There was no scar visible whatsoever.
Ms. Coble had suffered from debilitating pelvic pain from endometriosis
and adenomyosis for years before being recommended to have the
hysterectomy after other conservative treatments for her pain were
She assumed she would be having the hysterectomy through
the same incision that she had her cesarean section went through, which
was a lower abdomen horizontal incision, often referred to as the
“bikini cut.” She states she was surprised and delighted to find that
the procedure was able to be performed through only a tiny incision in
her umbilicus.
Dr. Greg Marchand, an Accredited Master Surgeon, developed this
technique and led the surgical team that performed the surgery. The
procedure was a modified version of a laparoscopic hysterectomy, where
the only incision used is in the patient's umbilicus.
“A very novel
part of our technique,” said Dr. Marchand, “is that because of the
instrumentation we use, the incision is always going to be reproducibility
“The recovery was really easy compared to my prior laparoscopic
surgeries,” said Mary Coble following the procedure.
Mary pointed out
that she has no scars at all from the surgery, as the only tiny scar
present is on the bottom of her belly button, where it is effectively
invisible. Mary has previously had both laparoscopic surgery and
delivered her baby by cesarean section, so she is no stranger to
recovering from surgery.
“I think it's a great advancement for minimally invasive surgery.” said
Dr. Marchand, the lead surgeon.
“When the incision shrinks from 15mm to
11mm, there are many benefits to the patient. There will be less
postoperative pain, a quicker postoperative recovery, and a much lower
chance of the incision causing a hernia later, which is a known
complication of this type of surgery. My favorite part is that you
can't even see the incision on the patient.”
Dr. Greg J. Marchand
Laparoscopic Ovarian Cancer Staging Surgery on the Largest Tumor
Description of Technical Procedure Performed:
Successful Single-port
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and
lysis of adhesions secondary to scar tissue from a prior cesarean
The procedure was performed using an Olympus Tri-Port device
using a modified technique through a smaller incision. The incision and
abdominal entry was performed using an Ethicon 11mm blunt tip trochar
in order to be sure the incision was exactly 11mm, and that the
procedure was reproducible. A 5mm 30 degree laparoscope was used with
wavy graspers, a bovie laparoscopic extender “hook,” and a Covidien
Ligasure Blunt Tipped 5mm device.
On The Net:
Dr Greg Marchand's website: www.gregmarchandmd.com
: https://www.facebook.com/marchandobgynpllc
Dr. Greg Marchand has previously received a World Record from Guinness World Records for
other surgical accomplishments.
Dr. Greg Marchand: "Unfortunately, Guinness politely
declined to recognize this achievement stating it was too specific to
create a record for. We discussed the importance of recognizing
cutting-edge surgical excellence in the field of cancer surgery with The
World Record Academy (which has unlimited categories for new world records), and they agreed to recognize the category after
extensively researching the accomplishment."
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