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Heaviest single weight lifted by barbell overhead press while riding a unicycle, Dan Galanto sets world record

January 10, 2025

Heaviest single weight lifted by barbell overhead press while riding a unicycle, Dan Galanto sets world record

Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States--Dan Galanto, who last summer moved with his wife to Grand Rapids from Chicago, performed two World Record-setting feats: the heaviest single barbell press at 93.71 kilograms (206.6 pounds) and the heaviest single dumbbell press at 35.42 kilograms (78.1 pounds), both while balancing on a unicycle, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

Photo courtesy: Dan Galanto

"The heaviest single weight lifted by barbell overhead press while riding a unicycle is 93.71 kg (206 lbs 9.52 oz), and was achieved by Dan Galanto (USA) in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, on 14 September 2024," the Guinness World Records says.

"Dan beat his own previous record by over 30 lbs."

"Two hundred pounds is a lot of weight to try to lift over your head, but Dan Galanto can do more than that while riding a unicycle," the Michigan Live reports.

"Galanto, who last summer moved with his wife to Grand Rapids from Chicago, performed two Guinness World Record-setting feats in September: the heaviest single barbell press at 93.71 kilograms (206.6 pounds) and the heaviest single dumbbell press at 35.42 kilograms (78.1 pounds), both while balancing on a unicycle."

"Galanto now holds the records for two heaviest single barbell press at 93.71 kilograms (206.6 pounds) and the heaviest single dumbbell press at 35.42 kilograms (78.1 pounds), both while balancing on a unicycle which he set back in September of 2024," The Block says.

"Both feats were certified earlier this month by Guinness World Records and now belong to Galanto.

"These are just the beginning of his feats as he wants to try and be in the Guinness World Records for fastest 100-meter car push and highest pole vault, both while on a unicycle, of course, but only if he's able to borrow someone's car and their pole-vaulting maps."

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