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World's Largest Crow Statue, world record in Belgrade, Minnesota

February 29, 2024
World's Largest Crow Statue, world record in Belgrade, Minnesota

Belgrade, Minnesota, United States--Located in the Crow Lake area, on top a 25-foot tall cement pedestal sets a 31-foot long branch upon which sits a huge black, fiberglass, 18-foot tall crow, erected for the 1988 state centennial; this giant statue of a crow sets the world record for being the World's Largest Crow Statue, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

World's Largest Crow Statue, world record in Belgrade, Minnesota

"Perched atop a cement pedestal in Minnesota’s Belgrade Centennial Memorial Park is a giant, ominous blackbird that currently holds the undisputed title of Largest Crow in the World," the Atlas Obscura says.

"Created in 1988 to honor the state centennial, the big bird stands over 40 feet tall from the base of the structure to the top of the bird’s head. The giant metal and fiberglass crow itself is 18 feet tall and stands on a 30-foot replica twig, possibly symbolizing the animal’s unique ability to use tools.

"A huge crow may seem a strange way to honor Minnesota, but there is a method to the madness, although it doesn’t have anything to do with any special population of the birds. The monument is located near the Crow River, which in turn feeds into Crow Lake, neither of which was named after the blackbirds either, but instead, they get their names from Sioux warrior, Chief Little Crow. Given the number of crow-named landmarks in the area, it just seemed like a natural fit."

World's Largest Crow Statue, world record in Belgrade, Minnesota

"The big crow dates back to the late 80s, when Belgrade was getting ready to celebrate its centennial. Town leaders wanted a monument to help the town stand out. And it's done that," the CBS News says.

"They chose a crow for the town's monument because Belgrade is near the north fork of the Crow River, not far from Crow Lake. The statue is also in Crow Lake Township. Right across Highway 71 is Crow River Township.

"The big crow statue has had visitors from around the world -- including six foreign countries just this summer."

World's Largest Crow Statue, world record in Belgrade, Minnesota

"What seems like it was taken out of an Alfred Hitchcock movie, the large crow stands about 42 feet tall, perched on a branch over looking the city off of Highway 71," the WJON says.

"The crow was built in the 80s as part of a monument to celebrate the towns centennial in 1988. Town leaders felt a crow would make a fitting mascot as the city of Belgrade was had the Crow River, Crow Lake and Crow Lake Township.

"By 1990 the monument was officially dedicated. Besides the colossal bird the monument also features nearly 5,000 specialty bricks to honor local church leaders, veteran, mayors, school superintendents, Stearns County Road Department workers and Boys and Girl Scouts."

"The World’s Largest Crow is one of those rare, phenomenally realistic, well-done enlargements of everyday life. Located in the Crow Lake area, it was amazingly equipped with it’s own  Promotional Materials, as well as an  Audio Message explaining the symbolism of everything," the World's Largest Things says.

"While admiring the sculpture, a very nice (but all Minnesotans are very nice, aren’t they?) little lady came up to talk to us, and let us know that she had a whole line of products available for tourists.

"She had seen the morning interview from the 4th of July Art Car Parade, and just knew the World’s Largest Things museum would be stopping by, so she had been keeping watch for the assumed imminent arrival. Of course I had to pick up a souvenir ceramic tile and magnet…"

"Out in the middle of nowhere, on top a 25-foot tall cement pedestal sets a 31-foot long branch upon which sits a huge black, fiberglass, 18-foot tall crow!

"The crow and the pavilion surrounding him were erected for the 1988 state centennial. Inside the base of the crow is a small self-guided museum," the Fotospot says.

"Just south of Belgrade on your way out of town on Highway 71 you'll find something that may seem entirely out of place -- a giant statue of a crow! Standing 18 feet tall atop a 31 foot long branch -- and that on a 25-foot high cement pedestal for a total of 43 feet -- this giant statue of a crow is actually the world's largest statue of a crow!

"A tiny self-guided museum can be found in the crow's base, featuring trinkets left-over from Minnesota's centennial celebration -- Belgrade t-shirts, commemorative frisbees and beverage insulators. A button with a pre-recorded voice tells you more about the crow and the county," the says.

Belgrade itself shares its name with the capital of Serbia, states the city's website, as well as cities in Maine, Missouri, Nebraska and Montana. It became incorporated in 1888 and was a stop for the railroad on the way to and from the Twin Cities."

"The World's Largest Crow is 18 feet high. It is made of painted fiberglass over a metal skeleton. It weighs a ton and a half. It is perched on a 30-foot-long branch," the Virtual Globetrotting says.

"The crow and branch are atop a 160-ton concrete pedestal that is 25 feet high. The crow perches over the Belgrade Centennial Memorial, which was dedicated in 1988."

"The World's Largest Crow is 18 feet high. It is made of painted fiberglass over a metal skeleton. It weighs a ton and a half. It is perched on a 30-foot-long branch. The crow and branch are atop a 160-ton concrete pedestal that is 25 feet high," the Waymarking says.

"The crow perches over the Belgrade Centennial Memorial, which was dedicated in 1988. It overlooks U.S. Highway 71, and is on the southern end of Belgrade.

"There is a large gravel parking lot, and picnic tables are available behind the pavilion."

"Belgrade is a city in Stearns County, Minnesota, United States. The population was 740 at the 2010 census. It is part of the St. Cloud Metropolitan Statistical Area. Belgrade is home to the world's largest black Crow.

"Belgrade is a city in sections 18 and 19 of Crow River Township. It shares its name with the capital of Serbia, a township and its village in Maine, as well as villages in Missouri, Nebraska, and Montana. It was platted in 1887 by the Pacific Land Company and incorporated as a village on March 19, 1888; the post office began as Crow Lake in 1871, changing to Belgrade in 1886.

"When the railroad came in 1886, there already were a number of businesses; it had a station of the Minneapolis and Pacific Railroad. The first house in Belgrade was built by Norwegian immigrant, Otto Christianson in 1874. Belgrade was named after the first child born in the township right before the town incorporation, Isabella Theolina Christianson in 1887." (Wikipedia)

"The Belgrade Centennial Memorial is a 3 1/2 acre site that includes a central sculpture of a large crow placed before a semi-circular wall honoring veterans of foreign wars," the Smithsonian institution says.

"The crow is perched atop branches, and sits on a pyramidal-shaped cement base and lower stone structure housing a memento room or kiosk with an audio tape playing local history. The semi-circular wall contains nearly 5,000 bricks, each with a name and birth year of a Belgrade area resident, and the founders, townspeople, and descendants of Belgrade.

"The memorial site also includes seating benches, picnic tables, flags from all fifty states and Canada, a POW flag, VFW and Lions flags, and flags commemorating pioneers from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, who came to America. May 1990. Crow installed July 1990. Dedicated Sept. 9, 1990"

Photos: World's Largest Crow Statue, world record in Belgrade, Minnesota

(1) TripAdvisor/Mark Gulden

(2) John Margolies Roadside America photograph archive (1972-2008), Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

(3,4) Waymarking

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