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World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

August 27, 2023
World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

New Salem, North Dakota, United States--Salem Sue (also known as The World's Largest Holstein Cow), a giant fiberglass Holstein cow sculpture located in New Salem, North Dakota, United States, was built in 1974 for $40,000, by donations from local farmers and residents, and was sponsored by the  New Salem Lions Club in honor of the local dairy farming industry; the statue stands 38 feet (12 m) high and 50 feet (15 m) long and weighs about 12,000 pounds (5,400 kg), setting the world record for being the World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

"Salem Sue (or The World's Largest Holstein Cow) is a giant fiberglass Holstein cow sculpture located in New Salem, North Dakota, United States. Salem Sue was built in 1974 for $40,000, by donations from local farmers and residents, and was sponsored by the New Salem Lions Club in honor of the local dairy farming industry.

"The artist was Dave Oswald, who is also known for designing the world's largest catfish, which sits in Wahpeton, North Dakota. The cow, which is hollow, was constructed by Sculpture Mfg. Co in La Crosse, Wisconsin and then transported in 3 parts before being put together. The statue stands 38 feet (12 m) high and 50 feet (15 m) long and weighs about 12,000 pounds (5,400 kg). It sits on School Hill near Interstate 94 off exit 127 S and can be viewed for several miles.

"A road leads up to the base of the statue, where one may view the surrounding terrain for a distance of several miles.[citation needed] Although it is free to visit, an at-will donation bin, shaped like a milk can, sits at the bottom of the hill to help maintain the property and re-paint the cow as needed." (

"The World's Largest Holstein Cow has become a landmark for travelers across North Dakota. Visible for miles, and big enough to impress even the likes of Paul Bunyan, the fiberglass lady Holstein stands 38 feet high and 50 feet long on top of School Hill on the north edge of New Salem," the City of New Salem says.

"A project of the New Salem Lions Club, Salem Sue was constructed in 1974, at a cost of $40,000.00 as a tribute to the area's dairy industry. 

"The visitor to the Cow will not only be amazed at her size but will also be afforded a spectacular view of the surrounding countryside."

World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

"Today, New Salem is cow crazy. Its high school sports teams are named the Holsteins. And overlooking the interstate, on the only hill visible for many many miles, is New Salem's pride: Salem Sue, the World's Largest Cow," the Roadside America says..

"Sue was built in 1974 for $40,000 put up by the New Salem Lions Club, and, thanks to dairy subsidies, by the American taxpayers of 1974 as well. Her stats are impressive: 38 feet high, 50 feet long, six tons of reinforced fiberglass, so big she had to be built in three sections to get her up the hill. The dollars from the milk can have been put to good use; Sue is taut and shiny, in excellent shape.

"A free brochure available at the gas station explains that Sue's "primary purpose is to honor and advertise the dairyman of our area ... the hardworking, persistent, and informed dairyman who is an asset to his community, church, the economy, and his family."

World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

New Salem's "Salem Sue"

Location: New Salem, North Dakota (I-94 exit 127)
Height: 38 feet
Length: 50 feet
Weight: 12,000 lbs.
Construction Materials: fiberglass
Special Designation: World's Largest Holstein Cow
Name: Salem Sue
Year Built: 1974
Admission: Free (donations welcomed) (City of New Salem)

World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

"Perhaps the most popular of North Dakota's giant roadside animal sculptures, Salem Sue - the World's Largest Holstein Cow, stands large and in charge high above Interstate 94 just outside of the city of New Salem in western North Dakota. Erected in 1974 by the New Salem Lions Club to help promote area Holstein herds," the City of New Salem says.

"Salem Sue is known world-wide. She continues to be promoted and maintained by the New Salem Lions. She also helps promote tourism, business and serves to educate and interest our youth in the science of animal husbandry and the benefits of qualities of living in a rural community.

"Times have changed some things. Whole milk is now produced and shipped by huge tanker trucks to milk bottling plants and cheese plants instead of butter-making creameries, but the strong progeny of the original Holstein continues it's high return under the careful guidance of the hardworking, persistent and informed dairyman who is an asset to his community, church, the economy and his family."

World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

"Perched atop the only hill visible for miles is the pride of New Salem, North Dakota: Sue, the world’s largest Holstein cow sculpture. Built by the local Lions Club in 1974 for a mere $40,000, Sue is one town’s tribute to its dairy-farming legacy," the Atlas Obscura says.

"Six tons of fiberglass form Sue’s 38-foot high, 50-foot long, disturbingly anatomically-correct body. Grown men stand beneath her udders with confidence, knowing that their heads will not bonk a teat. Mothers envy her gentle, bucolic gaze while their children wonder at the pink-painted veins running along Sue’s underside.

"If, for some reason, appreciating Sue’s shapely body isn’t enough of a treat, visitors can also take the opportunity to enjoy a subtly marvelous view of North Dakota’s wide-open farmlands — farms stretching as far as the eye can see."

World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

"You can’t miss seeing Salem Sue, the World’s Largest Holstein Cow when traveling through New Salem on a North Dakota road trip. And I mean that in two ways. One, she is absolutely one of the best and biggest world’s largest things I have ever seen (and trust me, I’ve seen a lot of world’s largest things), so it would be a travesty to drive by without at least taking a peek. And two, she’s just so big that she is IMPOSSIBLE to miss!," the Silly America says.

"This giant fiberglass cow stands at 38 feet tall and 50 feet wide and weighs in at an impressive 12,000 pounds (6 tons). That weight is especially impressive since she was constructed with a hollow center. Perched on a hill overlooking New Salem, you can spot her from up to five miles away!

"Salem Sue isn’t just one of the best roadside attractions in North Dakota, she’s one of the best roadside attractions in all of the United States. One visit will surely leave you having a mooriffic day and singing the “Ballad of the Holstein”.

World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

"Not every roadside colossus is worthy of mention, but the Holstein known statewide as “New Salem Sue” is striking, and has several important associations with this community. Built by the New Salem Lions Club for forty thousand dollars as a tribute to local dairy farmers, the “World’s Largest Holstein Cow” is a fiberglass sculpture prominently situated on a high butte between New Salem and I-94," the SAH Archipedia says.

"With “New Salem” proudly spelled out in rockwork, “Sue” stands as a landscape colossus thirty-eight feet high and fifty feet long. She is visible for several miles. Promoting Holstein dairy farming in the area around New Salem was an important achievement advocated by the state dairy school at the agricultural college in Fargo (now North Dakota State University).

"Visitors willing to pay the nominal admission fee for a close-up encounter with Sue will appreciate the coin collecting system that incorporates a modified machine milking apparatus as a coin receptor. Good-natured puns persist, including the Udder Bar in downtown New Salem. This landmark reflects favorably on North Dakotans’ inclination to not take themselves too seriously, while commemorating a local industry of great economic significance. Dairy farmers in this region have helped improve the dairying herds in such remote places as Uzbekistan, supplying farmers in that nation with prime breeding stock, flown on a 747 aircraft."

World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

"New Salem is home to Salem Sue, which has been crowned the "World's Largest Holstein Cow" since it was built in 1974. You can see Salem Sue easily for miles around, standing ever watchful on this hill decorated with the town's name. From this distance, you can't really tell how impressively tall she is," the Only In Your State says.

"There is a road that leads right up to this behemoth bovine's feet, and once you get close you'll fully comprehend how huge she is! She was funded by and built for the local dairy farmers to honor their industry.

"Salem Sue is the perfect gentle giant for a photo op even though she'll tower over anyone. The other great part about Salem Sue is the view from where the statue stands. You can see far into the vast fields of North Dakota."

World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

Reviews from TripAdvisor

"This is a short and easy drive from the interstate. Sue is udderly amazing, so stop and say hello. According to a local we met, you must take a picture while touching the udder. How udderly scandalous is that?!"

"Unique and obscure sight very conveniently located off the interstate for a quick stop. There are good views of the surrounding countryside and the cow is enormous."

"She stands atop a hill, so once we were there, we (like Sue) had a great view of the surrounding area. We had her all to ourselves for a bit- long enough to take some fun photos, and then we were off to Bismarck!"

"You can see Sue for a few miles but it is worth the short stop off and drive up the dirt hill to see her. So when you are passing through stop off and say hello."

"Definitely a fun attraction to see. Take the few minutes to drive up the hill and then walk up to see her. You'll be glad you did."

"Love these attractions. It’s a great place to stretch your legs, take a couple of pictures and move on. Right off 94. Worth the stop."

World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: world record in New Salem, North Dakota

World's Largest Holstein Cow Sculpture: New Salem, North Dakota

Address: N. 8th St., New Salem, ND

Coordinates: 46.8450, -101.4113

Directions: I-94, 34 miles west of Bismarck, south side. New Salem exit 127, then south a half-mile on N. 8th St. Turn right at the Salem Sue sign, then follow the dirt road. You'll see her in the distance, atop a hill.

Facebook: Salem Sue

Hours: Not visible at  night. (Call to verify) Local health policies may affect hours and access.

Phone: 701-843-7828

Admission: Donations for maintenance appreciated.

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