Muscotah, Kansas, United States--The people of Muscotah, with the support of the Kansas Sampler Foundation, recently constructed a giant baseball sculpture, in memory of local hall-of-famer Joe Tinker, who helped win the 1908 World Series for the Chicago Cubs; the 20' diameter ball was created from an old water tank and sets the world record for being the World’s Largest Baseball Sculpture, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.
"Muscotah, Kansas was the birthplace of Joe Tinker in July 27, 1880. Tinker was a Chicago Cub and part of the early 1900s double play combo of "Tinker to Evers to Chance," which was immortalized in the poem, Baseball's Sad Lexicon.
"The people of Muscotah, with the support of the Kansas Sampler Foundation, are in the middle of building a baseball museum, which will go inside their recently constructed World's Largest Baseball," the Kansas Travel says..
"The 20' diameter ball was created from an old water tank and is far larger than the 10' diameter previous World's largest baseball, which is in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario and was constructed on April 7, 2004. There may someday be a museum in the baseball."
"20-foot-wide baseball created in 2013 from an old steel water tower tank with rebar for stitches. In memory of local hall-of-famer Joe Tinker, who helped win the 1908 World Series for the Chicago Cubs. Town hopes to add a museum inside.
"The World's Largest Baseball needs a fresh coat of paint, and there's still no museum inside. But we were happy for an excuse to stretch our legs!" the Roadside America says.
"Joe Tinker, who played on the 1908 Cubs, was born here."
"The idea was the brainchild of one of the town’s residents, who wanted to do something with an old water tower, which measures about 20 feet in diameter," 92.9 The Ticket says.
"Muscotah has roots in the national pastime. It’s the hometown of Joe Tinker, who played in the famous Tinker-to-Evers-to-Chance infield when the Chicago Cubs last won the World Series in 1908.
"And if all goes well, the town plans to go for history by alerting Guinness in the hopes of earning the title of world’s biggest baseball."
"Muscotah, Kansas is called home to the largest baseball in the world," the Legends of America says.
"The 20-foot-wide baseball was created in 2013 from an old steel water tower tank with rebar for stitches. It was built In memory of local hall-of-famer Joe Tinker, who helped win the 1908 World Series for the Chicago Cubs."
"“I just don’t want to see these small towns die, and if we can do our little part, that is what we are going to do,” said C.J. Hanson of Muscotah, who along with husband Jeff Hanson is a leader in the local effort to create the Tinker museum.
"In Muscotah, Hanson said people already are coming to take pictures of the 20-foot-diameter steel baseball, which will showcase town memorabilia and a film about Tinker, who moved from Muscotah to nearby Valley Falls, Kansas, as a preschooler. He died in Florida in 1948 on his 68th birthday," the Reuters says.
"Richard Smalley, marketing manager of the Kansas Tourism Division, said it is hard to know how many people visit offbeat attractions, but he believes that their cumulative impact is probably significant to tourism in the state."
Address: Kansas Ave., Muscotah, KS
Directions: US Hwy 159/E. 1st St. into town. Turn north onto Kansas Ave. You'll see the baseball ahead, on the left.
Photos: World’s Largest Baseball Sculpture: world record in Muscotah, Kansas
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