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World's Largest Scales of Justice Sculpture, world record in Albuquerque, New Mexico

November 4, 2023
World's Largest Scales of Justice Sculpture, world record in Albuquerque, New Mexico

Albuquerque, New Mexico, United States--The 'Scales of Justice' kinetic sculpture designed by Evelyn Rosenburg, in 2002, stands approx 30 feet high, located in the front plaza, of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, Albuquerque, New Mexico; it features a 'Giant Weighing Scales' the balance beam is over 36 feet long and it sets the world record for being the World's Largest Scales of Justice Sculpture, according to the WORLD RECORD ACADEMY.

World's Largest Scales of Justice Sculpture, world record in Albuquerque, New Mexico

"The 'Scales of Justice' kinetic fountain sculpture in the plaza of a courthouse in Albuquerque NM. Thirty-six feet tall and made of copper, brass, and stainless steel," the Wescover says.

"Water pours from one side of the beam into the large pan, the beam moves and the water pours from the other side. On the base are 30 quotes in different languages and scripts on the subject of justice and the law. The translations for these quotes appear on granite blocks inlaid into the plaza.

"Each quote has a visual cue to help identify it’s place of origin. 2004, New Mexico % for Art. Locate in the front plaza, of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, Albuquerque, New Mexico."

World's Largest Scales of Justice Sculpture, world record in Albuquerque, New Mexico

"Kinetic fountain, created by artist Evelyn Rosenberg, located in the plaza of the metro courthouse in Downtown Albuquerque," the World's Largest Things says.

"Water pours from one side of the beam into the large pan, the beam moves and the water pours from the other side. On the base are 30 quotes in different languages and scripts on the subject of justice and the law.

"The translations for these quotes appear on granite blocks inlaid into the plaza. Each quote has a visual cue to help identify it’s place of origin."

World's Largest Scales of Justice Sculpture, world record in Albuquerque, New Mexico
World's Largest Scales of Justice Stats

Year: 2004
Thirty-six feet tall
Copper, brass, and stainless steel
Funded by the New Mexico Percent for Art

Coordinates: N 35° 05.492 W 106° 39.031  | 13S E 349548 N 3884439

World's Largest Scales of Justice Sculpture, world record in Albuquerque, New Mexico

"The 'Scales of Justice' kinetic sculpture designed by Evelyn Rosenburg, in 2002, stands approx 30 feet high, located in the front plaza, of the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court, Albuquerque, New Mexico," the Waymarking says.

"The 'State of New Mexico Metropolitan Court' - Albuquerque, features a 'Giant Weighing Scales' the balance beam is over 36 feet long. The scales are designed by Evelyn Rosenburg as a water powered kinetic sculpture. As water is transferred by internal pipes to the scale pans, the balance arm moves up or down. However there is a twist to this sculpture, as the lower pan fills with water, it moves UP.

"The Metro Court is located on the northwest corner of 4th St. and Lomas Blvd. NW in Albuquerque's Courthouse District. The sculpture of the scales works backwards. The pans on the scales have water poured into them through internal plumbing. However, the water enters the lowered pan, the one that would already indicate the greater weight of evidence. When the water fills the pan the scales tip the opposite direction than the laws of physics dictate.

"Contrary to what appears in these pictures to be happening to the scales, the upper pan should accept water and then move downward. Not as it is now, where the lowered pan accepts water, then rises."

World's Largest Scales of Justice Sculpture, world record in Albuquerque, New Mexico

"In 1985 I developed a technique to make metal sculpture using explosives. This unique process, which I call Detonography, allows me to make large scale, monumental sculptures with intricate, complex details on the surface. The result is artwork that people can enjoy up close or from a distance," the says.

"My pieces are site-specific: I always consider the area, the community, and the space provided for the sculpture when I design my work. I have created more than forty pieces of public art for institutions of various kinds around the country. My pieces can be made to fit in almost any space, and in the past they have included hanging, freestanding and wall reliefs.

"I had been a painter and printmaker for 25 years, but this new medium still has me enthralled. The final result has a unique look. Looking at it you wouldn?t know it was exploded because the effect is very controlled. I like the idea of taking a destructive force and using it to make something that I think is beautiful. I find it to be a very feminine expression, like giving birth. You take a very messy, chaotic, and frightening process and come out with a marvelous result."

World's Largest Scales of Justice Sculpture, world record in Albuquerque, New Mexico

"The Metropolitan Courthouse is a courthouse in downtown Albuquerque, New Mexico, housing the Bernalillo County Metropolitan Court. The building is located on the northwest corner of 4th Street and Lomas Boulevard in an area known as the Courthouse District. The courthouse rises 175 feet (53 m) and has nine stories. Designed by DCSW Architects in a contemporary Art Deco style, it features a three-story rotunda finished with granite, marble, and travertine and a 36-foot (11 m) sculpture of the scales of justice.

"Ground was broken on the project in May 2001[2] and the building was topped out the following June. The courthouse opened for business on January 20, 2004, replacing the old Metro Courthouse at 4th and Roma.

"From 2005 to 2009, the Metro Courthouse was at the center of a high-profile fraud investigation, during which allegations emerged that a group of conspirators had siphoned off $4.2 million from the courthouse construction project in a scheme described by the Albuquerque Journal as "breathtaking in scope and star power." Eight people were eventually named as defendants in the case, including the former president pro tempore of the New Mexico State Senate and a former mayor of Albuquerque. The investigation ended with six of the accused pleading guilty to conspiracy and mail fraud, while the other two pleaded guilty to misprision of felony." (

Photos: World's Largest Scales of Justice Sculpture, world record in Albuquerque, New Mexico

(1) New Mexico In Depth

(2) Wikipedia/Allen S.

(3) Albuquerque Journal

(4) O'Brien and Padilla, P.C. Law Offices :: Albuquerque, New Mexico

(5) Facebook/Robert R. Cooper Law Firm, PC | Albuquerque NM

(6) Public Art Archive

(7) Union Financial Institution - Aldridge, Hammar & Wexler, P.A

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